III. Bonus Chapter: His Journey

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The thick scent of coffee filled the air, causing Jungkook to shut his eyes and take a deep breath in.

"So I was thinking we could get Jin a kitchen robot for his birthday," Jimin slurped his coffee loudly, earning a scowl from Jungkook. "You know he's been really into cooking lately."

"Mhm," Jungkook simply hummed, deep brown eyes restlessly darting to the female frame behind the bar counter.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jimin arched a brow.

"Yea, totally," Jungkook mumbled mindlessly, his gaze drifting somewhere over his friend's shoulder.

Jimin pursed his lips, stretching out his arm to pinch the back of Jungkook's hand.

"Hey!" the younger one hissed. "What was that for?" betrayal was written all over his face as he rubbed the reddened area with his thumb.

"What's gotten into you, man?" Jimin put his elbow on the wooden table, resting his chin on top of his palm. "This is the third time this week we've been to this coffee shop and we don't even live in that neighborhood. We literally drove for half an hour to come here. And don't try to sell me that 'the coffee here is really good', because I'm not buying it anymore."

"But the coffee is good," Jungkook protested, eyes flashing to the bar counter again.

Scowling, Jimin swung his head to glance in the same direction that his friend was looking. "Ooooh," he exclaimed softly when his gaze cast over the girl smiling warmly at another customer, her hot pink locks cascading over her shoulders. "I get it now." He gave a suggestive look.

"Get what?" Jungkook snapped, the nervousness evident in his voice.

"Jungkookie has a crush," Jimin snickered.

"What are you, a fifth grader?" Jungkook snorted, averting his gaze, but his cheeks still flushed slightly.

"I know her, by the way," Jimin shrugged casually, fidgeting with the empty plastic cup from his coffee.

"You do?" Jungkook nearly leaped, spilling the rest of his coffee all over the table.

"Um, yeah," taken aback by his reaction, Jimin narrowed his eyes at him as the two of them grabbed some napkins and started wiping the wooden surface. "I've seen her in this dating app. Here, look." he took out his phone from his pocket and showed Jungkook the app. "You can find her there. Or you can just do it the old-fashioned way, go over to her now and introduce yourself," he grinned.

Jungkook's stomach turned upside down at the thought. He didn't exactly welcome the idea of going over to her and getting rejected while his friend was watching him.

"No," he let out a small sigh. "It's not that important, really," he brushed it off nonchalantly, but on the inside, his heart picked up its pace.

"It's your decision, man," Jimin shrugged casually. "But just so you know, girls like her don't stay single for too long."

Jungkook's gaze shifted blindly to the floor. The next second, Jimin changed the topic again, not paying too much attention to his friend's internal conflict and instead going on and on about Jin's birthday party the next night.

However, Jungkook could hardly think about anything else besides the girl with the hot pink hair. He had found himself drawn to her and that's what kept him coming to her coffee shop every week for almost a month now. She always greeted him warmly, but never exchanged more than the usual courtesies with him, like "hello" and "enjoy your coffee". He wasn't even sure if she noticed the way he was staring at her while pretending to work on something on his laptop. He desperately wanted to strike a conversation with her, but every time he started thinking how to do that, a wave of hopelessness washed over him.

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