Chapter 15

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Brianna POV

My dad just got here to the police station to bail me out. They set it at $1000 since I'm a first time offender. The prosecutor gone try to say that I was a flight risk and that I should be remanded. I got a good ass lawyer though so they gave me bail and my next court date is next week.

They came back to my cell to get me and then walked me out to the front.

I walked out and they had Stacia sitting there as they was processing her.

She just got out the hospital from the damage that I did to her ass.

I was about to go after her ugly ass again but my dad grabbed me before I could.

Dad: No Brianna. You not putting yo hands on her again

He walked me out of the station and to the car.

Me:. Why I couldn't just get one more punch?

Dad: Because you already got an assault charge and an attempted murder charge and they trying to lock you up for at least 10 years. You got your baby girl to be here for and attacking that girl again isn't going to do anything but incriminate you and get you into more trouble.

He's right. They trying to lock my ass up and I can't let that happen. My baby girl needs me.

Me: You're right. I could possibly be taken away from my little girl and I don't want her to grow up without her mother.

Dad: You got the best lawyer and we gone fight this case. The assault charge is only a misdemeanor but the attempted murder is a felony.

Me: That felony charge is a stretch though. They trying to say it was premeditated but it wasn't. I didn't plan to beat her up. It just happened.

Dad: They're going to try to say that you knew you were going to put your hands on her when you walked into the waiting room.

Me: But I didn't.

Dad: I know that but the jurors don't and the ADA is going to push that.

I nod.

Me: Is De at your house or is she with Deion?

Dad: She's with Deion. He's bringing her to the house at 1.

Me: Okay. That gives me a little time to go home, shower, and change clothes.

He nods. He pulled up to my house and I got out and went in and then he went home.

I went up to my room and pulled me out some clothes. I then went and did my hygiene before I showered.

When I was done, I got dressed.

I finished getting ready and then I went across the street to my dad's house

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I finished getting ready and then I went across the street to my dad's house.

I still have a key so I just went in.

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