Plus Ultra

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Izuku POV:

All I can see is darkness around me at first, next I notice I'm about to fall into a giant body of water. I look around quickly and notice Toga trying to catch Eri before we hit the water. In an effort to save both of them, I swing my legs with my quirk active to generate enough momentum to grab them both and land on the boat. "Izuku, what are you-" "You'll see in a second." I just barely hit my mark with my back hitting first. "Ahh." Both girls now look at me in fear of my unintentional outburst. "Izuku/daddy, are you alright/ok?" I put on a brave face for Eri not to worry her, but the pain didn't help. "I'm fine. Eri, you know your daddy's too tough for something like that to hurt." As Eri begins to relax a bit, I notice the grapist drowning in the water with a shark villain about to eat him. 'I know I'm gonna hate myself later for doing this.' I use a black whip to snag the perv out of the water just when Tsu comes in to knock the villain out with a hard kick. "Where are we?" "It looks like were still in the USJ must be one of those simulation zones 13 mentioned before." After I state this, I notice were completely surrounded by villains. I begin to try and formulate a plan until the grapist starts freaking out with all of us trying to stop him. "Were dead. Were so dead." "Mineta calm down." "There's no way out.Were trapped here." "Mineta, your not helping." "I don't want to die here, NOT LIKE THIS!" "Mr. grape pervert, just calm down. Daddy's gonna-" "I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO ENJOY WHAT A GIRL FEELS LI-" "WILL YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH YOU PERVERTED IDIOT! IF YOUR THAT SCARED OF VILLAINS THEN WHY DID YOU COME TO A SCHOOL WERE PEOPLE TRAIN TO FIGHT THEM! MY OWN DAUGHTER AT LEAST KNOWS THAT FREAKING OUT ISN'T GOING TO HELP RIGHT NOW! IF FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW IS THE BEST YOU CAN DO, THEN JUMP OFF THIS BOAT RIGHT NOW AND MAKE BETTER USE AS FISH CHUM THAN THE CRYING AND PANICKING PAIN IN THE ASS THAT YOU ALREADY ARE!" Everyone now looks at me because of my grounded outburst. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." I put my back to the wall of the boat and begin to slide down to a sitting position. 'This is on me.'

Flashback to after leaving recovery girl's office

Right after leaving recovery girl's office, me and the kids are met with principal Nezu and midnight. "Ah Mr. Midoriya, just the person I was hoping to see." "Look, if this is about the whole Monoma thing, I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have went and egged him on to copy my quirk knowing what it might do." He puts paw up to motion be to stop before he speaks. "It isn't about young Monoma, I saw the cam footage of that a few moments ago and saw it wasn't you who started it." "So why are you looking for me?" "Well we were wondering if you would mind us taking your kids for this afternoons class." 'I know their's a reason for this.' "And what might be the reason for that?" Nezu begins scratching his head for an excuse. "Well you see, midnight wanted to do some baking with the kids as a child bonding for the staff of UA to let your children warm up to us better." 'Baking? The smartest animal and arguably being on this planet is trying to hide the fact of something and can't think of a better excuse than baking.' "Well if it's bonding you want, tell the staff of UA they can do that in the dorms like everyone else. Now if there is nothing else, I don't want to be late for my next class. Lets go kids, your mothers waiting." I take the kids and walk away. But before I'm far enough away, I hear a conversation between midnight and Nezu. 'Sir, are you certain it was right not to tell him? Those kids could be in danger without him knowing.' 'Then we better hope for the best that adding 2 extra people to the curriculum was enough.'

Back to present

"YOU DAMNED VILLAINS! HAVE A TASTE OF MY STICKY BALLS!" I notice the grapist start to freak out with both Toga and Tsu trying to stop him before I chime in. "I just told you, freaking out wont hel-" I stop my sentence when I notice the villains going to great length to avoid the balls in the water. 'Could it be. Wait a second.' "Tsu, your a frog right." "Uh yeah why?" "Out of all the places to warp you, would you say this would be the worst place to put you if you would want to catch yourself off guard." "I guess it would be, but why does that matter?" I walk over to a shadowy spot in the corner of the boat. "Before we were warped, that mist guy said that the Intel they had was off. Also, the incident earlier today with the media getting in seemed a little odd don't you think?" Everyone now looks at me completely unsure why I'm saying this. "Where are you going with this Midoriya?" I look over to Toga to answer her question. "What if the media were a diversion for the villains to get a hold of today's agenda to kill all might as they said. I overheard a conversation about adding 2 people on teaching today. The villains weren't prepared for both 13 and dabi to be here, and I'm almost certain they didn't have any data on us either. This would explain why Tsu is here instead of over in the wild fire zone over there. This also explains why the villains aren't attacking us on the boat and avoiding the balls Mineta threw earlier." Everyone now realizes how right I may be.

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