Who the fuck is james

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This school week was faster than ever and I'm not sure why. usually first weeks last forever but before I knew it it was saturday.

"Are you comin'?" Lisa asked like she had to be somewhere in the next 2 seconds.


"Oh this wild party it thought James would have told you about it."

"Oh I will go but I haven't seen James all week." I was concerned and it was most likely evident in my voice like every other time I feel a strong emotion.

"Oh ya he, umm, uh, he goes to another school and he loves to party we are all kinda night owls around here, anyways what are you gonna where?" I could sense the lies in her voice. she was like a price of glass, see through. never the less I decided to go I was excited to see James again after this week.

"Can I wear this?" I asked gesturing to my already clothed body. I was wearing blue shorts and crop top with a studded collar an some flats.

"No, no, no, no,"

After that I spent what seemed like forever sitting on my bed while Lisa searched through my closet until she found a strapless dress that barely covered my butt and was drowning in sparkles.

According to Lisa I looked "sexy as fuck". I felt weird but wore it anyways. I ended up in 6 inch platform heels also drowning in sparkles. Lisa insisted we dye it before we go. using the party as a big reveal of some sort.

I left the house wearing the dress heels and my hair faded from blonde to purple to red. I looked great.

We got to the party and there were people everywhere. I was dying from inhaling so much smoke and every time someone turned around I could smell whiskey or vodka on there breath. I guess they really party hard here not quite my style. suddenly out of nowhere I saw him. I saw James walking towards me and before I know it his arms around my shoulder and he kissed me on the cheek.

"I thought I told you I wanted a date first."

"Oh sorry"

I shut up his joking mouth by standing on my tip toes and kissing him.

"Oooh breakin' your own rules now I see"

I smiled at him and hugged him. I was just so happy to see him after such a long time.

"So your lookin' fine tonight but don't bend over I don't want any other dudes seein' that ass. it's all mine"

I laughed at him and then realized he had most definitely been drinking. it smelled like a mix of peach snapz vodka an rum. it was nauseating. I couldn't stand it so I walked outside and climbed onto a large brick wall outside. before long I noticed I wasn't alone there was another guy up there..

"Hey I'm derek"

"Friend of james'?" I asked

"Who the fuck is james"


Derek and I talked until the party ended and it felt good for the first time since we met I was questioning my feelings for James.

With James I felt alive, I felt fun. but with Derek I felt free, with Derek I felt like I never left home and I could tell him anything.

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