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Zoey lifted another heavy box out of the trunk of her car, "Uh! That's the last one for the dorm!" Isabella came jogging down the stairs from the entrance of her new dorm. "I'm going to finish decorating the dorm from here, Zoe. Thank you for all your help with moving me into the dorm," Bella said as she quickly hugs her sister. Zoey held the hug longer which she knew Bella would be alright but she was just nervous to leave her suddenly. "I have fifteen more minutes before I have to start the drive to work. You sure you don't want me to help you finish unpacking?" Zoey asked then her sister shakes her head pulling away from the hug. "I'll be okay Kayla and Debbie are going to help me finish packing because I helped them. You don't want to be late to your new position also. It won't be a good first impression on Mr. White," Isabella said as she squeals. "I still can't believe you'll actually be working at The Daily Planet! You have to get his autograph for me if you see him!" Bella went on and on then Zoe sighed, "Behave during your first few days, I'll come get you on Friday after you last session. Don't forget if you need anything at all don't be afraid to call me for help!" Zoey gave her little sister one last squeeze before watching her pick up the last box into her dorm. She could have sat outside that dorm for hours but knew she couldn't considering she had work. Isabella would be fine, Metropolis University was the safest university in Metropolis City. Zoey got into her car then commenced her forty-minute drive to The Daily Planet.

" Your destination will be on the right in 5.7 miles- " Siri said in the background of the music that was playing in the car. Zoey was so nervous about her first day to make matters worse the GPS rerouted three different times before a downpour befell. Zoe hated driving in the rain but she knew she had no other option. A huge boom sounded but it defiantly didn't sound like thunder. Zoey slammed on her breaks when she saw a man now standing in front of her car. He was completely ripped, muscles everywhere even in his legs. Zoe couldn't help but gaze at the hero that was standing in front of the hood of her vehicle. He picked her car up which caused Zoey to clinch onto the steering wheel. Suddenly a huge rock came crashing down to where her car used to be then he placed the car back on the road safely before sending a warm smile then a simple head nod in Zoey's direction. As if that was his way of saying 'You're Welcome'. Zoey continued to drive to work after being shaken up by what just occurred but she eventually made it to the parking garage. After parking her Toyota, Zoey looked at her hands which were shaking so she decided to hold her umbrella with both as she made her way inside. Her laptop carrier protected her important pieces and cell phone from the water that was pouring down. Zoey made it inside the company safely then closed her umbrella before placing it into a bag to prevent anything else from getting wet. Her hands weren't as shaky thank goodness because her new manager had just walked over to shake her hand. "Miss Hernandez, welcome to The Daily Planet! We are very excited to have you working with us. I hope you didn't have difficulties finding the company and that your transition was easy from Gotham City to Metropolis. I have your office all prepared and ready for you to start work. Did you bring your files from Gotham News Department?" Perry White said as he shook her hand quickly before accepting the files she handed him. He was very straight to the point, something she really liked about this manager. Zoey hoped that there would be another female reporter that she fit in with right off the back. But she had heard that their star reporter Lois Lane had left to become a traveling journalist which was pretty amazing. Zoey made a mental note to check her social media for more details on her journey around the world. "This is where you'll be working. Next to your office is Clark's. He is also a reporter here with the Daily Planet. Feel free to ask him any questions that you might have. You will mostly be working with Jimmy Olsen since he is our photographer." Perry stated then Zoey chipped in, "Where's Mr. Olsen's office located so I know?" Perry shakes his head then laughed, "Olsen doesn't get an office, the offices are for the journalists. Olsen is simply always on the go so he just checks in to his desk," Perry said as he looked over to a bunch of desks with other photographers. Zoey nods her head as she looked at the desk with her coworkers looking at her. Zoey nervously smiled then did a small wave. "Alright, I'll let you settle into your office then we meet in an hour for a conference before you go out for the stories for tomorrow's headlines," Mr. White said before closing your office door after being done with the conversation. Zoey took a deep breath before turning around to see her office, it was a lot bigger then her last job. While she was setting her office space up, there was a knock on the door. A young red-head walked in, "Hi Miss. Hernandez, I'm Jimmy Olsen! I just wanted to come in to say hello and also say I can't wait to work alongside you," Jimmy said then extends his hand out. "Nice to meet you as well, Jimmy. Please just call me, Zoey or even Zoe," Zoe said with a warm smile. "I have nothing to do at the moment. Can I help you rearrange your office?" Jimmy asked then she nods her head. "Yes please, I would love to have my desk against this wall here so that way I can see the view from the window," Zoey said then Jimmy placed his camera down. They both began to move the desk together when an extra pair of hands came in to help them move the desk easier. Zoey looked up to meet her new co-worker. The man was tall had dark hair that was ruffled up like bed hair, he wore huge glasses which he pushed up his nose saying again, "Oh, allow me to help y'all with that. Nice to meet you, Miss? Are you okay? Um, I'm Clark." Zoey realized that she was starring then shakes her head, "No, I'm alright! Thank you so much for helping us with the desk. Now I can work while looking out the window at the same time. Oh- right. My name is Zoey or you can call me, Zoe. Nice to meet you, Clark." Zoey thought his name sounded familiar but shook the thought. But she had also felt like she had already met this man somehow. Zoey was having weird deja vu from meeting Clark.

"I believe Perry told us that you just came here from Gotham City, right?" Jimmy now asked as he sits in the chair that was in the middle of the room.  Zoey nods her head taking a seat behind her new desk, "Yes, I just moved from Gotham City. So far we love it here in Metropolis better than Gotham." Clark raised an eyebrow at her statement, "Your husband didn't like Gotham?" He said then Zoey quickly shakes her head at the thought of being married at all. "No, no-no-no. My little sister and I love it here in Metropolis better than Gotham. I'm not married unless being married to my work counts?" Zoey replied then blushed from being embarrassed. "Sorry, Miss- Zoey! I didn't mean to pry- Um I have to say I like it more in Metropolis as well. There's not as much crime happening all at once here," Clark said as he frowned shortly then smiled to quickly recover.  "How old is your little sister?" Jimmy asked Zoey then she looked at him, "She is eighteen years old not so little anymore but she's attending Metropolis University for Broadcasting and Arts." Zoey was beyond proud of her sister when their parents passed Zoey was turned into her legal guardian but she would never replace their parents. "Wow, she is following behind her big sister's footsteps! You must be her biggest role model in life," Clark said to Zoey. "Yeah, I like to be the best role model for her but someone stole the biggest role model spotlight from me but I work for him now," Zoey said referring to Perry White. "Wait, your little sister admires Perry White! It'll be easy to have her meet him one day! He loves meeting fans." Jimmy said out loud then held his camera up, "I'll capture it for her!" Zoey smiled at Jimmy, that was very kind of him to offer to do that for Isabella. "I'll ask if she would like to do that then get back to you, Jimmy. Thank you so much, I know Isabella would love to meet her biggest inspiration," Zoe said with a bright smile. Clark's watch beeped three times which he tapped the settings to stop the alarm. "We better start heading to that meeting Perry made for today," Clark said while hitching a thumb over his shoulder to the room the meeting was being held in. Zoey was about to say something but her cell phone went off, it was Bella. "I will be there in a second, this is an important call I should take before getting into the meeting. I'll meet you both in there, save me a seat?" Zoey asked Clark which he nods then left with Jimmy from Zoey's office. Clark was concerned so he begins to clean his glasses while listening to the call to make sure no one needed his help. "Isabella, is everything alright?" Zoe asked concerned, but she hears Bella laugh. "Isabella? Wow, I'm okay, Zoe! Stop worrying so much. You asked me to check in with you at 11:30, remember? I'm alright and I have class in a few. But I just wanted to see how you were doing? Are you alright, Zoe?" Bella said which made Zoe check her watch. "Oh- I'm sorry, Bella. I'm glad you are alright. But if you ever need anything you let me know. I'm sorry I think I'm still getting used to being in Metropolis. You used to call me every hour in Gotham whenever you were in trouble, but I forgot I told you to call me. But hey, I will try to stop worrying but it's my job. I have to go through, there's a meeting with Perry White. I don't want to be late...I love you, Bells," Zoe said with a soft sigh. Clark finished cleaning his glasses and walked into the meeting knowing everything was alright. "Okay, Zoe! I love you too! Tell Mr. White I say hello! Bye!" Bella ended the call.  Zoey put her phone into her purse then took the closed laptop on her desk with her to the meeting where she sat next to Jimmy. Zoe really enjoyed it so far at Daily Planet, she felt more than welcomed.

Dear Kalel, 

It's good to hear from you again! Sorry for the loss of communication, I just made a long journey to a new place I call home. So far, I like the change. By the way, I am alright so don't worry too much. The way you describe your job you make it sound like you are a superhero. Well, if you want to talk about it sometime just know I am here to listen. But if it's too personal don't worry, you don't have to tell me. Looks like I've got to go but it was great hearing from you and I hope to talk to you soon. 


Mystery Lady

Sincerely, YoursWhere stories live. Discover now