The Separation

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Dont be rude if you don't like the intro cause im only talking about how it happened, and not really how it happened bit the beggining .it will get better later on.ohh and if you like it comment please

In planet vegeta a mother by the name of Lena was giving birth to a baby that will be known as Rumez.

"Ohh my gosh whats going on this kids power level is higher than king vegeta's."said the doctor in suprise.

"We shall tell him immediately.said the 2nd doctor.

"Ok!"said the doctor in excitement.

In the throne room

"Sir, a baby has been born, and it seems he is of a higher power level than you." said the doctor proud to report it.

"Nonsense bring him to me I shall kill him myself." said the king furiously.

" Yessir I shall bring him here personally." said the doctor with disbeleif of what he just did.

In the hospital

What did the king say.said the infants father Rye.

He said to take him to the throne room.said the doctor still dissapointed.

Why?asked Rye without know what was coming.

He said he was going to kill him.said the doctor ashamed.

No he said that.repeated Rye.

Yes I'm sorry but I have to do as I'm asked.the doctor said with a frown on his face.

I understand but tell him he will regret it. He added.

Ok I shall. Stated the doctor knowing he won't

Back in the throne room

Where is the child? The king asked with an evil smirk on his face.

He's right here king. Said the doctor holding the baby saiyan.

Set him right there on the ground. The king ordered.

Haha quiet young one isn't he. The king put in.

Yessir. The doctor stated.He hasn't cried at all since he was born. Added the doctor.

Hmm this kid hasn't cried hahaha he will be after this haaaaa!yelled the king as he blasted the baby

There was a energy bubble around the child but the king nor doctor saw it.

Hahaha. The king laughed with a sinister smile.Huh? Both the king and doctor said as the fog cleared.Its impossible he doesn't even have a scratch.

This kid who or what is he?asked the king afraid of the infant.

What do you want us to do with him.asked the doctor scared now too.

Im gonna banish him. Said the king trying to find some of his pride.Send him away I don't care where I just want him gone. Said the king with a terrified look.

Yessir. said the doctor as he picked up the baby. I will find a place and send him there. He added

Yes and don't send him to a neighboring planet send him in another galaxy somewhere where he won't survive. Said the king with an evil smile.

YESSIR!! Said the doctor as he ran out of the throne room.

In the space pod room

Ok here is a good one it is said to have a large power race.said the doctor anxious to send the infant in a space pod.

Oh no you don't. said rye as he knocks the doctor out.

Son I'm gonna send you somewhere where you won't die maybe someday I'll go there to visit.Here we go son,i'm sending you to a nice little planet, it's called earth.said the infant saiyan's father.Son don't forget about me bye. Be safe and I'll come get you later. Rye told his son with a tear in his eye but with a glimmer of hope that he will see his son in the future.

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