The Landing and the Destruction

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4 years have passed and Rumez has landed on Earth. But little does he know what is going on in his home planet.

Bardocks pov

"Hmm I guess that your brother's son has landed on that low class rock planet huh?"

"Yes it appears so." My wife said to me.

They hear the door knock

"Come in." My wife yells from the dining table

Rye her slightly older brother came in .

Rye's pov

"Hi sis how have you been."

"Good how about you ?" She asks me with a smile

"I've been good also just lots of scouting and patroling ." "There has been a lot of invaders but me and my guys will handle them."

"My wife just finished telling me that you found out that your kid actually made it to that low class rock planet that you sent him to." He tells me with a suprised face.

"Yes." I told him ignoring the rudeness in his question. "I got an alert from the space pod I sent him on that said that he landed."

Di di di di. Di di di di.

Bardock had gotten a call on his scouter.

Bardocks pov

"Hello." I said as I answered the call.

"Hey Bardock can you come to planet irises real quick Dodoria and I have something for you." Zarbon told me.

"Can't you just come here ." I asked with little patience.

"No because we have the suprise here all set up." He told me with a annoyed voice.

"Fine I'm on my way." I told him as I hung up.

"Who was it." My wife asked me.

"It was zarbon." I answered. "I need to go somewhere i'll be back in a few hours planet Irises is about 1 hour and a half away."

"Oh ok well be carefull." She told me .

"Bye." I told her as I went out of the door.

Rye's pov

"Hmm I don't know but I got a bad feeling when he mentioned Zarbon."

"Why ." My sister asked me with a worried face.

"Zarbon is not a nice guy he might be planning something. I'm gonna follow bardock i'ma see whats up."

"Ok but if something happens please don't die." She told me nervously

"I won't." I told her With a fake smile.

In the space pod room

I followed Bardock all the way to the space pod room. He got in his pod and blasted off . So I did the same and got in mine I followed.

In earth where Rumez had landed

Rumez pov

I oppened my eyes slightly to see only darkness again in the moonlight.

"I don't know where I am." I said to myself. Just then I heard a loud roar and turned I saw what seemed like a thing with orange fur and black stripes with claws and big sharp teeth.

"Hi." I told it. It roared once more and charged at me I got in a stance which I thought would be a fighting stance. I waited until it reached me and moved out of the way. I raised my power to 2, 000 and the thing sensing danger backed off I lowered my power again and reached out to the thing. The thing got closer and let me pet it. Good then you will be my way to get around. I told it with a I'm beast look. I was getting hungry when I saw a dead bird so I cooked and ate it. I was fast asleep.

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