new Bio

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Name:y/n l/n

Nickname:accelerator, territory of god


Hair color:white with blond highlights

Eye color:f/c

Clothes: a black shirt with V patterns, white pants. a red maroon suit and a white collared shirt both unbuttoned

Aura color:black and white

First Semblance: your semblance creates a thin field of AIM around you, which allows you to modify the vector values of anything you touch

Second semblance:you can make something (usually you make six angelic wings that appear on your back) which is made up of dark matter that is something that doesn't exist making it follow laws that don't exist making it be able to do whatever you desire at the moment. Also you can use your dark matter to replace organs, body parts, blood, aura if your hit etc basically making you immortal

Right arm:ever since you were born you noticed that your right arm was... off. After some testing you found out that your right arm was able to completely negate the effects of peoples semblance, go through someone's aura and even the powers of dust. But that wasn't all you found out about your arm. You also found out that 8 powerful dragons also reside inside of your arm which were held back my your arms ability to negate anything supernatural

The thing:you don't know what it is, what it can do or anything else the only thing you do know about it is that you sometimes see it in your dreams where someone is about to die and nothing else

Accelerator, kakine, and touma male reader x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now