Ch 5

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(Sorry everybody but I have to make you act like accelerator only a few times cause... it's really hard to make you get any advances with anyone while acting like that)

When I finally arrived at beacon I landed on the ground then made my wings disappear and start to walk back to my dorm room while stretching my limbs

Y/n:sweet oum today was a long one, but at least it's finally over and I can finally get some sort of a break

While I was walking I stopped to see four girls walking towards me while they were speaking to one another

Ruby:then I said 'now that's a katan-

Before the girl in front could finish her sentence she looked to see me making her gain stars in her eyes then was about to run towards me until I manipulated the vectors in the ground making a wall come out from the ground and get infront of her which she slammed into making it collapse

Y/n:sorry but I'm not in the mood for autographs, but if you want one you can try again never, anyway what do you want?

I say while starring at the blonde, the white haired girl and the black haired girl with a bow that's covering her obvious faunas trait. Quickly I saw the fan girl get out of the rubble she was in

Ruby:well since we didn't have that much time to talk before I wanted to introduce myself to you

Y/n:(guess that means the author didn't know how to introduce them to me at the moment *sigh* whatever I'll go along with it) alright then so what are your names

Ruby:I'm ruby rose, the leader of the girls behind me, together we form team RWBY. and before you say it yes we know it's confusing

Weiss:I'm weiss schnee, sadly I'm the teammate to this dunce

Blake:blake belladonna

Yang:yang Xiao Long, I'm Ruby's sister

Y/n:let me guess your half sisters?

Yang:yep, anyway since we got to meet once more why don't we continue what we were starting when we were at the bullhead~

She say while wrapping her arms around mine making my AIM field blast her into a wall while I walked to my dorm room as her teammates just staired at her semi unconscious body in shock

Y/n:sorry but I don't feel like dealing with any girls advances towards me today, but maybe I will tomorrow

With that said I went into my dorm room to see misaka about to go to sleep only to see me

Misaka:finally your here. Anyway what happened since you were gone for most of the day?

Y/n:let's just say that the thing I was doing had something to do with you and only you

Misaka:what's that supposed to mean?

Y/n:nothing you should care about

I say while laying in my bed as misaka just staired at me in confusion

Misaka:you do know that saying that I shouldn't care about it makes me even more curious over what it was

Y/n:yeah but no matter what you say I'm not going to tell you anything

Misaka:oh come on! at least give me a hint

Y/n:... *sigh* fine, let's just say that it's like looking through a mirror


Y/n:I already said it once I'm not saying it again

Misaka:*sigh* fine you can keep your secrets but I will find out eventually

Y/n:yeah sure you will

With that said I went to sleep as soon as she finally closed her eyes

(So what do you think? Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

Accelerator, kakine, and touma male reader x rwbyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora