My best friend... (First meeting)

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(Y/n)''s pov:

Me and Michael have been friends for a year and a half now, we met at school. It started with a brief hello in the lunch room, I was already an outcast at the school I tired making friends within the first week but everyone thought I was weird... I have (h/c) hair that is (l/m/s) length and (e/c) eyes. I looked normal but I was very shy and had social anxiety so it was hard talking to people.. I had nowhere to sit so I quickly scanned the room looking for a place to sit.

My eyes came across a young boy who had medium length blonde hair, I was debating if I should go sit with him when he suddenly looked up at me, he had piercing blue eyes and they stood out against his pale skin. I felt my hands tremble at his gaze was sort of intimidating and made me nervous but I stood up straight and walked over feeling brave.

"H-hi..! Can I sit with you?" You asked shyly your voice sounding small and weak. I blushed for embarrassment for sounding so weak looking at my feet waiting for a response. "Uhm. Yeah sure." He spoke up moving over slightly so that you could sit beside him. I set my lunch box on the table and sat down slightly looking at him, he was actually really cute he reminded you of some kind of grunge rock star and it made you smile a little.

He glanced at you curiously and you jumped a little. "A-ah.. Uhm sorry! It just I like your band t-shirt..!" You blushed that he caught you staring, "oh thanks.. do you like (name of favorite band)..?" He said, your eyes lit up and you smiled. "Oh my goodness yes! My older sister showed me that band and we went to a concert once! It was amazing!" He smiled seeing how excited you suddenly got, "my name is Michael, Michael Myers." You giggle "mine is (y/n) (l/n). I just moved here."

Ever since then me and Michael have been best friend we spent a lot of our free time hanging out together and we often got into trouble in class for talking so much.

Michael Myers x reader (Oneshots&smuts)Where stories live. Discover now