Halloween night (sad)

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(y/n)'s pov:

Sitting on the curb of Michael's street a few houses down from his house, it was dark and cold out. My hands trembling and sore eyes from crying so much. All I could think about is him... A few hours ago everything seemed fine and I was excited to see Michael, today was Halloween.. my mom insisted on me going trick or treating with my cousins that night but I planned on going to see Michael after to hangout.

I wasn't expecting what happened next...

~flash back~

"Moooom! When can we go home? I already have enough candy!" I whined giving my mother puppy eyes. "(Y/n) why do you want to hangout with that boy so badly? It's not often you get to see your cousins." My mom said looking down at me. I crossed my arms and pouted, "he's my best friend!! And I really want to hangout with him. I already promised I would see him tonight!" I protested getting more anxious.

My mom sighed "okay give me give five minutes to say goodbye to your aunt and cousins" she said walking off to the group of trick or treaters. I smiled and jumped up "yay!" I couldn't wait to see Michael, I ran to the car waiting for my mom. When we got home I practically jumped out of the car running down to Michael's house in the distance I heard my mom yell "be home by 9:30!"

While running down the alleyways I heard some police cirens not to far and I slightly picked up my pace feeling worried. Once I turned a corner to his house I stopped in my tracks dropping my bag of candy, I saw his house swarming with policeman and ambulances. Dread filled my throat as I slowly walked over almost in a daze, there were some body bags and police tape across the lawn. A women screaming and crying caught my attention.

It was Michael's mom... And his baby sister...  Tears started to fill my eyes as I thought of the worse, I remember running to her but being stopped half way by a police man. Trying to get out of his arms I saw Michael. Being lead into a car with his hands behind his back. I got lose out of the man's grasp and ran towards Michael, I didn't say anything, I didn't even let out a sob as I ran towards him with people yelling at me to stop.

I ran into Michael my hands wrapped tightly around his waist and my face into his chest, I felt the cries leave my mouth as I held onto him tightly, before I got yanked off him I saw his face, he was covered in blood. His medium blonde hair a mess and his eyes looking dead, before he got put into the car his face changed.. his eyes watering up as he called out my name, fear, worry, and sorrow filled his eyes as his lip trembled.

"M-michael...!" I yelled trying to reach out to him, I got pulled away from the car. "N-no..! Don't take him away..!!!" I cried my voice cracking. I saw the car slowly pull away as  Michael got put in he was kicking and yelling. I yanked my body away form whoever was holding me back.

I chased after the car letting the tears fall from my face. The car got down the road before I knew I wouldn't catch up to it. I slowed down my pace sobbing loudly before falling to my knees. I remember screaming into my hands it was a wail of pain.. loss.. and confusion. All I knew was I lost my best friend and the one I truly loved.

After that was a blur. I was taken back home. I remember being asked questions by lost of people but I couldn't talk. All I could do was stare off into space almost like being catatonic but once and a while tears would slip from my eyes.

It took me weeks to recover I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep. And most importantly I couldn't speak much after that, later on I learned later that Michael killed his father, his older sister, and her boyfriend. He didn't hurt his baby sister. My mother said Michael is very ill and is being helped but he can't come see me and I can't visit him. My mom says he's too dangerous to be around. But I knew he would never hurt me.. he loves me to.. 

I miss him so much...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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