Chapter Two

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Hey!!!! It's been a while, hasn't it? But, here's the second part!!!! Tip: Lotor is Nick Fury(He's good). Matt is Iron Man(Pidge helped), Captain America is (somehow) Romelle, Thor is Allura, Black Widow is Nyma, Hawkeye is Rolo, Hunk is Hulk, and, obviously, Lance is Spider-Man. I think that's all of them. Enjoy!!!!


"Man! This place is soooo big!" 

"Calm down, Spider-Man. You're here for business." 

Spider-Man sighed. 

"Okay, okay. But! I'm part of the Avengers, now! This is so cool!" 

Lotor sighed deeply. 

Finally, they made it to the conference room. 

"Everyone, I'd like your attention. This is the new Avenger. Matt, you know him." Lotor said. 

"Yep. This is my sister's friend. Lance McClain." 

"Hello." "My name is Allura. You know me as Thorin." 

Lance put on a flirtatious grin. 


Allura rolled her eyes. 

"Hey, Lance." 

"Hey, Hunk. By the way, when were you going to tell me?" 

"Right now." 

Lance sighed. 

"I'm Romelle. I'm Captain Altea. It's nice to meet you." 

"Hello. Man, I'm surrounded by beautiful women." Lance said. 

"I'm Nyma. Black Widow." 

"I'm Rolo. Hawkeye and Nyma's boyfriend." 


"Now that introductions are over, we need to talk about why I brought you all here." 

Lance sat down beside Hunk. Lotor pulled up a screen with Venom's picture on it. 

"This... Venom has become a nuisance. It is wreaking havoc and we can't have that. Lance, you've been fighting it the longest. Do you have anything that can be of any use?" 

" He hates fire and sound. That's all I know." 

"Well, I found out more. This guy was seen after your second fight." 

Matt pulled up another picture. 

"Keith?!" Lance and Hunk exclaimed. 

"You know him?" Lotor asked. 

"Yeah. He goes to our school. He's our friend." Hunk said. 

"Well, he's associated with the symbiote. You two can get close to him. Find out what he knows." Lotor said. 

"What if he doesn't know anything? What if this is all a coincidence?" Hunk asked. 

"Oh! Pidge just sent me another picture!" Matt pulled it up another picture. 

Keith... was kissing Venom. 

Everyone was somewhat disgusted. 

"That... That's disgusting...." 

Hunk tried not to puke. 

Lance paled. 

"But... Why? Why would he do that?" 

"Maybe... Maybe he was blackmailed? I mean, he wouldn't.... right?" Hunk asked. 

"If he was, then that means that the person behind it is a genius. I want you two to dig deeper. Ask him questions. Try to find out anything you can. But, don't make it obvious." Lotor ordered. 

Venom! Sheith AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang