Chapter Three

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Hey!!!! New chapter. If this sucks, it's cuz I'm sick. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!!!!

Keith sighed. 

No word about Spider-Man or the Avengers. 

They have to know. 

"Keith? What's wrong? You've been sighing a lot." Shiro said, sitting beside him. 

"It's nothing. Just thinking." 

Kuro snorted. "Yeah, right. What's wrong?" 

Keith glared half-heartedly at him. 

"Keith, if something's bothering you, you can tell us. You don't have to worry alone." Shiro said. 

Keith sighed again. "Really, it's nothing. Just paranoid, I guess. What if the Avengers know who you really are? What if they take you two away from me?" 

Shiro grabbed Keith and held him tight, Kuro wrapping around Keith wrist. 

"Keith, we'd never leave you alone. No one could hurt us. I promise." 

"If they tried, we'd stop them." Kuro declared.

Keith smiled softly and nodded. "Please.... Keep that promise." 

"Cross our heart, hope to die." Shiro stated. 

His boyfriend chuckled, but snuggled deeper into the warm embrace. 

"Well, boys, we have an entire day to ourselves. What should we do?" Keith asked. 


"No, we can't." Kuro said. 

"Why not?" Keith asked. 

"Because, the writer's too sick to write something like that." 


"No one. Just not in the mood." 

"That's weird." 

"Shut up!" 

Keith laughed. 

Leave it to his boyfriends to lighten his mood with stupid arguing. 

"Alright. Let's just Hetfix and chill." 

(No copyright here, fools!

"That sounds good. Kuro, how 'bout you?" Shiro asked. 


Keith turned on Hetfix and leaned against Shiro. After some debating, they decided on the "Not So Secret Life of Humans". 

After a, hour, they all fell asleep, happy in the other's embrace. They didn't need anyone, didn't fear anyone, as long as they had each other. 

*End Chapter Three*

Short, yeah, but I'm sick. And, I've been up all night. I don't have the energy to do more than this. Still, I hope you enjoyed this. Ja ne!!!!

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