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(Warning: Description of death and violence)
Yoongi's POV

My phone rings in the early evening. The flashing on the screen shows the name, Jpearl indicating new information has arrived.

I take the call.



"How's it going?" I ask.

"Could be better... but also could be worse. At least, we are starting to get somewhere with the investigation."

Some good news is here. "Oh, what do you have?"

"Actually I have three things I need to share with you. Some have more evidence than others but I still think you should know just in case as we are investigating."

"Interesting, then shoot."

"First thing, we were finally able to identify the corpse. It wasn't easy as the four families didn't want to hand over dental records because no one wants to believe their child is dead. Anyways the identity is Kang Young-hyu."

"What?! No way but he—"

"Was the last to go missing, I know. After an autopsy and a detailed expection, we concluded he was killed 48 hours before his body was found. Also, we found traces that the murders burned the body probably to hide the identity."

"Wow. How could this have happened?"

"I don't know but find one body out of the four missing, especially being the person who went missing most recently, makes us all uneasy. There is a possibility they all could be dead. So far we already know of two murders including your story. And this body is not—"

"The person I saw being shot or killed that night. The mystery grows more and more."

"And so do the questions. He was found in his uniform too. We believe he was taken right after school."

"That makes sense and why his roommate didn't report to him missing until later. Did you check him out too?"

"Yes we did. As you requested, we been running background checks on everyone who was in the abroad program including the students who both transferred in or out. So far, we haven't found anything that ties them to the school or a common theme."

"Okay. Is that all you got for me?"

"No, speaking of his roommate, I conducted an interview with my partner on him. He said Kang was on edge since the beginning of the school year. He caught him sneaking out at night on multiple occasions. Then a few days before he disappeared, he asked him if he could borrow a couple of hundred dollars, saying he will pay him back."

"That's odd. I thought Kang came from a very wealthy family."

"It is true. I don't know what is going on there."

"Do you think it's somehow connected to his disappearance and death?"

"We have no other leads, so I am guessing it is— that is what my gut is telling me."

"Just to make sure, we should check it out. If Kang was involved in anything, then someone else probably knew or saw it."

"That's what I think too. The rest of my men are going to assist me to continue doing interviews. I'll let you know if we do find anything."

"Of course. It just all worries me."

"I can understand that. Oh and one last thing. I can't confirm anything but my partner heard a strange rumor. We have a friend from the same unit who is approaching the investigation... in a different lead or perspective. He heard a rumor about a possible fifth adduction."

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