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???? POV

"Any news? I'm guessing that's why you're calling." The caller ID tells me all I need to know.

"I have her." It's so clear and direct.

I must be hearing wrong. "What?"

"Min Yoonji, I have her. You told me we should take action and tonight I had a window of opportunity." No, I heard correctly.

"Wow, but how?"

"Let's just say I was able to get her alone. And she didn't see it coming or expected it of me. I must say so, I'm proud of it myself." At such a young age, he sounds full of himself. Cocky bastard.

"So... do you want a cookie or something? A golden star for doing what I asked of you?"

"Don't me so dramatic, I got it done so there. Except we have a slight issue." He dismisses my sarcasm.

"What is it?"

"You're not gonna like it...."

And I don't.

Hoseok's POV

I couldn't believe it.

Two years.

For two years, I didn't know what to do with myself or these feelings I began to realized I had for my best friend's little sister.

I should have kept them in control; I could no longer resist myself. Having her here surrounded by all males was  probably not the best idea, and what most likely forced me to recognize my own feelings.

I became more protective of her, however she was able to slip out. I didn't know.

I was too caught up with my own personal emotions to figure out that she wasn't looking at me the same way. I didn't notice her sneaking out with someone else.

I don't believe Yoonji. It can't end like this.

Her and I... she was suppose to be my happy ending. I will not lose her, I need her. She was suppose to be right here with me.

But she isn't.

That's why it took me so long to act on it. I was too afraid it wouldn't work out, that finding happiness was nothing but an illusion. Nothing but a dream I wished to gain but never deserve.

And look how that turned out.

No, don't give up, Hoseok. This isn't finished. She must be confused after becoming attached to Taehyung, that's all.

Hoseok, don't worry. Yoonji has been in loved with you all her life and it can't disappear over night just because someone approached her first.

I also know she didn't mean what she said when she left. I saw the regret on her face. She is familiar with those words and the effect they have on me.

Sweet Behaviors||Taehyung|| EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now