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30 Minutes ago...
Yoongi's POV

"I didn't expect you to call so—"

"That's not the point. Yoongi is your sister still at school impersonating you?"

"Yeah, we are still sticking to the plan why?"

"Get her out now! She is in danger! Call her."

"Wait, why? Did something else happened?"

"We finally got a trail and according to the testimonies it is someone attending the school."

"What exactly did you find?"

"Yoongi, we don't have time, your sister could be in...."

"She is fine! I have friends watching over her and she is in guarded grounds. If you're telling to move her, then give me the reason!"

I trust Hoseok and Jin. She is in good hands.

"Fine." He takes a deep breath, "We found what all the missing kids had in common."

"What is it?"

"Cut off. After interviewing all the families, we found out all the missing students were cut off one way or another. Their families sent them abroad to behave and cut them off from receiving allowances. Some of them shared why while others didn't, however it was suppose to teach them lesson, though it didn't work. Remember we spoke last time of Kang Young-hyu's roommate?"


"His name is Kim Seung-Min. The brat must of felt guilty and decided to share what he knew. He said he was aware of Kong's situation as well as the others. There was a rumor on campus saying if anyone needed money to contact Jay. Kim didn't know any details of Jay except he is mysterious figure that one should not get involved in. He said this person was known to be participating in illegal activities and forced others to join to pay their debt."

"Interesting... I never heard of him even when I was aboard."

"Because you weren't suppose to. Many people thought it was a joke or a myth until a message was sent out before your arrival. According to Kim, it said to not speak a word to Yoongi or you will never speak again. You know what that means?"

"Yes. Jay is real and he has friends."

"Exactly. Next, Kim explained he didn't believe the existence of Jay until he saw Kang come into money. At first he was happy and argued he had a friend helping him out. Then later Kang began to unease feeling he couldn't pay the debt he grown. We also spoke to Youngjae's roommate who went missing a few months before Kang. He had a similar description of Youngjae except he did mention what he was doing and Jay. He said Jay was forcing him to do illegal racing to pay his debt."

"Seriously? All this was going on and we had no idea? Does anyone know who Jay could be?"

"I talked with my unit and we have reason to believe he is a student or involved in the school. He targeted all the people who were in similar situation. I also believe he gave lured those students with money only to have them work for him. Jay could be the reason there was drugs found last year on the campus too, Yoongi."

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