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She who was being broken heart
With the feeling of lonliness and being Apart
She was shattered and having that rejection fear
And from eyes those rolling tears
She bravely bear everyones hatred
With a hope that everyday fade
She was chained in her own oversensitivity
And imprisoned in Melancholy
Every night she sobs over her fate
And to Agony that people purposefully made
She gazed to shading beauty of dusk
With heavy heart and deep laminations over her luck
She try to soothe her with hymn whole day
Crawl in the quilt she silently lay
She is been Amalgamated by those
To whom she was with in gain and loss
Then one bright morning she decides to thrive her powers
To end to all those moaning for hours
She jocundly step out from those gloomy night
Leaving the dark shades of those days behind

Encapture Rhymes by Farwa ZehraWhere stories live. Discover now