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Rolling down pages from past she throw pebbles in shore
Wondering and Pondering what human are created for
The cool morning breeze whistles in her ear
Making her soul purify with God Fear
She glance to eagle flight in the sky
Praising this miracle of Almighty there high
She felt the smell of rainy mud
And meditiates the Sovereignty in chirping bird
She saw the waves hitting the shore furiously
Reflecting the grandeur to Allah Majesty
She noticed to Mightiness in the colours of rainbow
And In the steepy Mountains high and low
The floating clouds in sky up there
Sends Salavations to His beloved and dears
He designates Human as lord on his creation
Appointed as messenger to eras and nations
And convey the message of His Oneness and  Superiority
Presenting ourself as preachers of Peace and Humanity
She came to real conclusion of her exsistance in end
putting her pen down and  leaving footprints on sand

Encapture Rhymes by Farwa ZehraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora