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She was born jocund in garden of fantasy
Like a blooming bud meditate in ecstasy
She daydream about every single small thing
And create enumerable plans in a blink
She was darling and sensitive ownself
Like a paragon of virtues in soul of an elf
She meet and greet many people each day
Like a tiny puppy merrily play
We flew each hour in her castles in air
Without any dark thought and mortal scare
But then a wind of adversity hits her hard
Driving her soul and heart apart
Her château of expectations were mocked each hour
And her happy soul get shadowed like a dead flower
With flowing era she came out of delusion
Getting known about demon reality of life in conclusion
As time had unfold all it's all shades of mortal mystery
Ending and ruining all her fantasy.

Encapture Rhymes by Farwa ZehraWhere stories live. Discover now