Prologue ^^

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Flora's POV

I walk through the halls of jade mountain academy laughing with Sundawn he was crying at this point it stop to take a breath as he continues to laugh i eventually calm down I say 'Lets hurry before were late to art' and swat him with my wing he stops and  gives me his annoyed face.

20 minutes later....

As I walk into class with Sundawn behind me We sit down at a bench thinking of what we are going to paint and suddenly an idea pops into my head I walk over and get a brush with my claw and walk over to a canvas. I paint my mother, everyone is now staring at the painting and they all ask 'who's she?'  I hesitate and I stutter to say  'My mother s-shes a l-l-leafwing' some of them gasp as I glance over towards Sundawn I get tears in my eyes and run out of the room as fast as I could.

I ran down the hall and into my cave I sit on my rock bed that is covered in ice and sigh as I lay down closing my eyes but still awake my stomach is  now craving for food I brush it off and go to sleep with a tear running down my face.

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