25. Awake

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Jungkook pov

It's been two months since i woke up from my six months coma.


A day after wake up from coma.

They don't know about y/n. They don't believe me when i said that no one knows me and I'm stuck at a small town in Ulsan.

They said maybe that's just my dream playing with me. Because six month that i lost. is the time where I'm in a hospital. Lifeless in a bed. Lost in a deep sleep called coma.

But if that's a dream. It felt so real. I felt y/n is real. Is my love for her real? Does that mean I'm in love with someone that i met in my dream?

My members said that I'm involved in a big accident near seoul highway when a truck in the other side suddenly lost it's way and jostle through a car infront of me that consist of a family and a child before makes it way to my car.

I'm lucky, even after that incident happen, I'm still a little bit concious, but my body stiff and can't move.

I remembered, someone help me to get out from my car and go way further from that explosion burn car.

Before i lost my concious, i remember i promise to take care of their daughter if something happen to them.

But my members said, that family who saved me couldn't survive from that incident because they lost a lot of blood.

RM hyung said, that family already had a proper funeral by their oldest daughter at their hometown. When i ask RM their hometown address to pay my respects. We end up at a house that i deeply know.

It's y/n house. But she's not there anymore. The house seems like there's no one lives there anymore.

I run to the house next to her. It's the Kim's house. Namjoon open it for me. I hug him tight because the relief i felt when i saw him. he is indeed real. But he seems to be fazed after seeing me and my other members.

He said he knows me. But as BTS jeon jungkook. Not as jeon jungkook myself. He said that he is one of BTS fans and he love our songs. Same goes with Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi. They don't personally know me.

But I couldn't get a hold of jin and y/n anywhere. When i ask namjoon where they are. Namjoon expression become dark.

He said the words that i want to hear less the most. He said that after y/n parents died. Y/n try to kill herself by taking a bottle of sleeping pills. But jin is fast enough to sent her to hospital.

But her condition is getting worst, so they had to transfer her to seoul hospital because she end up in a comatose. Jin is taking care of her for a long time, that he had to move to seoul for her.

I drive back to seoul hospital with my other members. But the receptionist said the patient in the name of f/y/n is no longer in this hospital. She had awake and checkout the same day as me.

Look what fate had did to us.

I tried to ask her address in Seoul. But patient information is a privacy. It could not be given to any other person beside family members eventhough I'm Jeon jungkook an worldwide artist.

I go back to my dorm in a dissapointment.

Before i could get out from that hospital. A group of nurses ask my group for a autograph. As a professional performer. We gave them what they asked eventhough we are in a pinch that time.

One face make me stared at her. It's jisoo. But knowing she might not know me personally but as BTS jeon jungkook. I treat her like normal fans before going our way inside our parked car.

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