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Tyrone's P.O.V.

-enrollment day-

"Let's see who's in Room 21 this freshman year." I said chuckling.

"Maybe you." Ashley punched me playfully.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Let's see.... There's the Usual outcasts, Jane Everfree, Scott Doe, Cathrine Press?, Casper Einstein..... Blah blah blah..... Crystal? And me?"

"What?!" Ashley gasped. "You have to be kidding, the cheer captain, the softball captain and you?"

"Let me see!" She pushed me aside.

She stared at the announcement board for at least 3 minutes.

She eyed me.

"Her, possibly, but you?" She pointed at me "that's not even remotely possible!"

Suddenly Crystal came.

We both stiffened.

"Hey." She waved.

"Hi....." We chuckled nervously.

She's not gonna like this.

She looked at every paper posted on the bulletin board and she pointed at every name and read them all aloud.

With every name her tone got sadder and sadder, but I heard a hint of happiness in her voice.

How is she happy?

She finally came to the paper labeled 'Room 21' and she skipped her name and finally, she pointed to my name.

"You?!" She said in a surprised tone.

She turned around slowly and pointed her finger at me.

She raised her brow.

"Okay." She stated simply. "Well, bye and Uhm... Good Luck."


Crystal's P.O.V.

"Good Luck?" He put his hand on my shoulder, and stopped me dead in my tracks.

I blushed.

"Yeah." I said, without facing him. "Good luck surviving Room 21."

"You too I guess." He returned.

I ran down the stairs.

"Did you get in?" Jane asked me in monotone when I came down.

"I--" I began

"Of course she did!" Casper finished.

"Did you see it?" I asked him.

"No." He looked at me strait in the eye.

I looked away.

"And get this, Tyrone's in too!" I continued.

"No way...." Cathrine chimed in. "What is he?"

"Werewolf." Scott finished for me.

"Figures." Jane said, still reading her spell book. "His strength is wolf, after all."

"Yeah...." I confirmed. "Yeah...."



I got the cover picture from

Room 21: The Classroom for GiftedsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang