Chapter 1: The Non Biodegradable Trash Can

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Chapter 1: The Non Biodegradable Trash Can

Tyrone's P.O.V.

I put the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"Bye Mom!" I waved.

I got the car keys from the living room table.

"Bye Tyrone!" She called from the second floor. "Good Luck!"

I closed the door and I sighed.

I got into the car.


I parked my car.

I went out and ran up to the front door.

I pushed the doors open.

I was greeted by the werewolves, my baseball team.

They all patted me in the back.

"Good luck." They called as I walked deeper into the hall.

After what seemed like forever I reached Room 21.

I saw Philip Og holding a book.

"I'm gonna drop it!" He threatened to drop the book in the non-biodegradable trash can.

"No.... Please!" Jane begged.

"Say sorry!" Philip continued.

"But...." Jane hesitated.

"Girl, chill." I butt-in. "You can just get it back after He drops it in the trash can."

"You're not apart of this!" Jane pushed me aside. "Sorry, it's just.... You don't understand."

"Okay...." I backed out offended.

"S-sorry s-s-sorry...... I can't do it anymore." Cowered Jane.

"Here you go." Philip gave her her stuffed toy.

"You know how hard it is to say sorry for people like.... Me" Jane slowly turned her head to me.

"Is it so hard to get your book back from the trash can?" I muttered under my breath.

"As a matter of fact, yes." Scott replied.

"How did you hear me?" I gasped.

"The same way you always get a home run." Casper smiled.

"Wha?!" I asked, dumbfounded.

Then the teacher came.

He wrote a big word on the board: MAGIC

"What comes into your mind when you hear the word Magic?" He asked.

Most raised their hands.

"Yes Crystal?" He called.

"Gifteds, Mr. Clarence." She answered.

"Now that you bring that word up, what are gifteds?" Mr. Clarence asked.

"Gifteds are Supernaturals, they are half human and they have some human characteristics but they have powers." Casper answered.

"What are we learning, Magic?" I moaned.

Most giggled but Mr. Clarence hushed them.

"Yes, Hanks." He replied. "You're here to learn about Magic. Now come here and put your hands in the non biodegradable trash can for 10 seconds."

"Okay." I said, defiantly.

Everyone exchanged worried glances

What is everyone so worried about?

It's just a trash can.

I put my hand in the can.

I felt a burning sensation.

"What the hell?" I cursed.

"The prrrfect word to describe it." Delancy Feline luaghed.

"Ten nine eight....." They counted down.

And by one I quickly removed my hand.

It looked like it was burning.

"Ahh!!!" I screamed.

Everyone started luaghing.

"Elissa Helter, come forward and heal him."

Elissa came forward and put her finger on my burning hand.

A golden glow came from her finger and in just seconds my hand was healed.

"What the....?!" I gasped.

"Both of you, go back to your seats." Mr. Clarence

Without another word I sat down and kept quiet for the rest of the subject.

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