Chapter Two: Sunmi

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It started to sprinkle lightly as Jiwoo and I walked to her apartment. We had gone out for ice cream while I was still over joyed that the Min Yoongi let me in to his gang. Ji nudged my shoulder and smiled. 

"You look pretty happy."

"I finally have a place to belong."

She ruffled my hair. "You've always had a place to belong; when you're with me." She smiled widely. "You know you're like a little sister to me."

"Of course I know that."

She kissed my forehead. "Good." 

We walked inside and I plopped down on the couch immediately. "Your place always feels like home." 

"That's because you practically live here." 

I smile. "Oh, you know you love me. You'd be lonely without me around."

She rolled her eyes. "I'd probably be more sane without you around."

"Would not!" 

"Would so." She flicked my forehead. "Do you want to wear my pajamas again?"

"Please? Yours are so warm and they make me feel safe."

She ruffled my hair once more. "You got it, cupcake." She walked into her room and threw some pajamas at me, laughing as they hit my face. "Learn to catch."

"No." My voice was muffled by the clothes. I took them off and proceeded to change in the living room.

"A little heads up would be nice."

"Not like I haven't done it before." 

She rolled her eyes. "You're too weird."

"And you're too mean." 

She put a movie on and sat next to me on the couch, wrapping a fluffy blanket around the both of us. "Ji, what is Yoongi like?"

"He's a dick."

I laugh. "Then why do you deal with him?"

"He's a nice dick."


"(Y/N), I won't lie, he will 100% not like you at first. He's reclusive, it took him forever to warm up to the other gang members. He'll probably be rude to you until you can prove to him that you're worth his trust." 

I snuggle into her side and rest my head on her shoulder. "Understandable. I'll try my best to earn it I guess." 

She rested her head on top of mine. "I promise that he's not a bad guy, no matter how rude he will seem." She sighed. "You never told me why you're doing what you're doing."

"Do you remember Sunmi?"

"Our friend that was raped and hospitalized? What about her?"

"I want Yoongi to help me kill the man responsible. And if he won't help me do it then I want him to at least teach me how."

She looked at me in shock. "You can't be serious. Do you know how hard it will be to kill Jackson Wang?"

"That's why I want his help."

Her phone rang. "Hello?" She turned to me and sighed. "He left us about three hours ago, why?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Send me the location, I'll go save his dumbass." She hung up.

"That didn't sound good."

"Congratulations, you're going on your first mission with me."

"Really? What's the mission?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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