The Gentleman

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Our next mission was focused on some wealthy senator with many, many skeletons in his closet...along with a lot of dead hookers. The plan was the usually; bait them, drug them, and then black mail them. In other words, a typical Friday night for Alastor and I.

I sat perched on a bar stool in a classy, but slightly flashy, black cocktail dress. Sipping on my wine, I scanned the room for our prey. I knew somewhere in the crowded room, Alastor was doing the same. 

Besides the hand holding and the occasional kiss, we hadn't done much more than that. I was raised in the court of seduction and intrigue, but Alastor was raised in a time when gentlemen still roamed the world. I could tell he wanted more, but he was allowing me to set the pace for...well, whatever it was that we were. 

My attention snapped on a middle aged, balding demon with greenish skin and grey eyes. As if sensing my stare, the senator grinned and made his way over to me. 

"Senator Kramore,"  I said in my best Marilyn Monroe impression, "It is an honor, sir." 

Senator Kramore grinned even wider, sliding in close to me, "Wonderful to meet you, my dear. Are you here alone?" Oh this was going to be too easy.

Frowning, I replied, "Well, you date seems to have disappeared." He took the bait, leaning in and placing his hand on my lower back. Trying not to cringe at the contact, I turned to reach for my glass of wine. 

"Pardon me," Alastor's voice said out of the blue, surprising me so bad I spilled my glass, "But would you mind taking your fucking hands off of her?" I turned around just in time to see Alastor punch Senator Kramore in the nose. The balding demon went down like a sack of flour.

"What the hell?" I hissed as Alastor took my hand and led me out of the posh club, eyes following us on our way out the door. 

"What the hell was that?" I repeated when we stepped out onto the sidewalk. 

Releasing my hand, Alastor ran his fingers through his hair, his smile gone for once.

"Alastor, what the hell was that?" I said for a third time, now through gritted teeth. 

"I didn't like the way he touched you." Alastor finally replied, and when he saw my perplexed look, he continued, "I don't know why, but I don't want any man touching you like that."

I started to retort back at him, but Alastor's arms were around my waist, pulling me flush against his lean body. His lips came down on mine in a passionate kiss that made my toes curl. I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip, begging entrance. Parting them, I moaned as he began to explore my mouth, claiming every inch of it. It was like he was a man dying of thirst, and I was a glass of water. 

I felt a deep blush creep along my cheeks as he pulled away, managing to sputter, "I thought you were a gentleman." 

His deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he replied, "When the hell did I ever say I was a gentleman?"

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now