Chapter 31

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*A/N Imagine this

Kongpob's POV

When we were teenagers, P'Dravid, P'Forth and I used to roam around these woods every chance we got. However Srish and N'Nin were never invited on these expeditions because, well, they were girls and even if Srish was the same age as I, N'Nin was just a baby then. In one of our expeditions we stumbled upon this magical location, where Arthit and I are standing right now. It was actually a naturally occurring pond with a small stream, that probably started from a spring up in the hills, keeping it rich throughout the year. It was ideal location with its layout of the surrounding trees providing shade and keeping the water cool, the geological formation around and in the ponding area offered places to rest and relax to one's hearts content. And it helped that there were no dangerous species of flora or fauna in the area. At least none of us have seen any before. 

It is a dream location for any photography enthusiast and has been our secret since we found it. Only P'Dravid brought his then girlfriend Srish to this place when he was 18. It is like an untold norm or rather a promise, that the three of us would bring that special person to this location and never share it with anyone else, not even the parents. For P'Dravid it is Srish while for me it is Arthit. P'Forth has yet to find someone to bring here.

I watched as Arthit looked on speechless and with the same kind of expression we had when we first discovered the place. It was truly a beautiful site. Arthit slowly walked towards the pond. The crystal clear water was a light blue color courtesy of the lime stone bedding at the bottom of the ponding area, and it adds a special effect to the overall visual treat. As Arthit was going around dipping his arm in the water and looking around the place I took out the blanket P'Mary packed with the picnic basket and spread it on the ground. The blanket was big enough for at least three grown men to comfortably sleep. 

Taking off my shoes I laid down on the thick blanket on my side my head supported on my hand with my elbow resting on the ground and proceeded to watch Arthit, my favorite subject.

He was currently kneeling at the edge of the pond and was looking at the water.

'What are you looking for Arthit?' I asked out loud. He looked around and gave me a smile, again making my heart do that wild thing inside my chest cavity. When will it ever stop? Do I even want it to stop?

'This is beautiful. And guess what, I'm not averse to these kinds of surprises.' He said with a laugh. Standing from where he was kneeling, he came towards where I had the blanket spread. Taking off his shoes he sat on the blanket with his back leaning against my abdomen, still looking on at the mesmerizing view.

'When the three of us found this place we promised to keep this place a secret from the entire world. I know it makes no sense, since we are certain that at least some of the villagers know of this place. But for us this was where we came to escape from the parents and the girls, especially when Srish and N'Nin were with us.' I said remembering our adventurous days with fondness. Arthit smiled with me, then he seemed to have thought of something.

'You said there were three other people who knew of this place. Who else?' He asked. Ah... My smart little boyfriend.

'P'Dravid's wife, Srish was the only one who's ever been introduced to this place. P' brought her here when they were dating, before our mother passed away.' Arthit snapped his face towards me and looked at me with an unreadable expression. And then to my surprise, smiled that toothy mischievous smile of his.

'Is that a proposal P'? If it is I'm so disappointed.' He said making me almost choke on my own saliva. And the little shit just laughed with his head thrown back. Then he looked at me leaning in close so that our noses were almost touching.

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