Chapter 8.

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sit there on the floor of the bathroom, crying, when I hear a knock on the door. Slowly, the door opens and I see Michael's face appear. He sees my face and rushes over and sits next to me. He hugs me and rocks me back and forth. Eventually I run out of tears and I just sit there in his arms.

"What happened?" Michael asks.

"I... I.... I don't deserve Calum." I reply.

"What are you talking about? You are the best thing that's ever happened to him. I've never seen him so happy in his life."

"But what will happen after I'm gone?"

"Well hopefully you won't leave for a while." he chuckles.

"But that's not happening"

"What are you talking about?"

Shit. I forgot. I never told any of them. Without thinking, I explain to him everything that had been happening. From the day I was diagnosed to the day Ashton came home. I was staring at the ground the whole time telling the story, and when I finally looked up, I saw tears streaming out of Michael's eyes. I look back down and see that he'd grabbed my hands. I see a tears drop on my hand and notice that I'm crying again. I reach up and hug Michael tightly, as if he were a buoy and I was swimming in troubled water. He hugs me back just the same and we stay there, both shaking from the crying.

Michael finally breaks the silence. "Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know if I can. If I tell him, he might hate me for not telling him or he could just decide that he's better off without me because I won't be here for much longer and he can't deal with that."

"I know Calum wouldn't do that."

"How? How do you know that?"

"Because he loves you more than he's ever loved anyone... ever. You make him happier than he's ever been. He would NEVER EVER give you up for any reason... whatsoever."

I hug him again.

"Thank you, Michael. You're the greatest."
He smiles, stands up, grabs my hands, and helps me up. He hugs me one last time before opening the door and letting me out. We walk out to the other room with his arm around me. We see Calum and Luke still sitting on their beds, and they both look worried. Michael pushes me over to Calum's bed and I sit down next to him, our backs leaning on the wall.

"Is everything okay?" Calum asks.

"Perfect." I say, kissing him.

"AWWWW" Ashton coos, walking into the room. "Now get off my sister." he tries to be serious.

We all laugh and Ashton does as well, knowing that he couldn't possibly stay serious.
I don't know if I could ever tell Calum what's going to happen, but I know that I'll have to.

(Y/N) = Your Name

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