Chapter 15.

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Oh shit." I whisper. I look up and see all the other boys still in their beds. I grab Calum's shirt off the floor and put it on. I tiptoe my way into the bathroom to take a shower. The heat feels relaxing on my shoulders and the steam is helping clear out my nose from the cold I've had. I get out and start to brush my hair. I give up and just put it in a messy bun. I put on an oversized sweater with skinny jeans and vans. I walk out to see the boys still sleeping. Except Calum. He's sitting on his bed playing with his phone. I walk over to him and sit next to him. He turns and kisses my lips. 

"Thank you." He smiles. 

"For what?"


He hugs me harder than ever before. 
"You know what would be fun?" I ask.


I grab a marker and walk over to Ashton's bunk. Calum follows me to watch what I'm doing. I lean over and draw a moustache and goatee. We laugh at my childish demeanor and we go back to Cal's bed. He grabs his phone, checking the time. 

"Shit we're gonna be late."

I look at his phone. It's 1:00 in the afternoon and we're supposed to be in the arena at 1:15. Calum and I walk around to the boys trying to wake them up, but it doesn't work.

Calum has a better plan. He plugs his phone into the stereo system and turns it up all the way. He starts to play Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne. I hear something hit the floor really loudly. I walk over and see that Michael had fallen out of bed. I bend down to help him up. 

"What the hell?" He asks, still groggy. 

"We have to be out the door in 15 minutes."


He scrambles up and runs to the bathroom. I turn around and see Ashton and Luke trying to get Calum to turn off the music. I laugh to myself and sit back down on Calum's bed. They eventually give up and start to get ready to leave. Calum comes back to sit down next to me. 

"Do you think Ashton's gonna realize-" Calum starts to say

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" I hear my brother yell from the bathroom. 

Calum and I start laughing. Ashton walks out to us and sees us cracking up. 

"Really guys?"

"What, are you jealous that you can't grow facial hair?" I ask. 

"You know I can but choose not to!"

"Okay Ashton, okay. Just wash it off. Or... You can borrow some concealer!" I suggest. 

He growls at me and stalks back to the bathroom. 

"I used to do that everytime he had a sleepover with someone just to piss him off." I explain. 

"You're evil!" Calum laughs. 

"Thank you!" I say sarcastically. 

Eventually the guys all come out and Ashton's face is all washed off. We walk out to the arena, but there's a crapload of fans blocking the way. Calum grabs my hand, not wanting me to get separated from them. The boys try to stop to take some pictures with fans, but security tries to move them along. As we start to move faster towards the arena, I feel someone grab me. My hand releases from Calum's and I'm dragged away from the crowd. I turn around to see a face that I don't recognize. He grabs my wrist and starts to drag me into a side alley. 

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I scream. 

"Oh, honey, you don't want to fight back." He smirks, laughing to himself. 

"CALUM!! ASHTON!! LUKE!! MICHAEL!!" I start screaming over and over again. 

"They can't hear you over the fans." He smiles.

"Why'd you take me over the other girls there?"

"Because you're famous, sweetie!"

"No I'm not!"

"Oh but there's a tape of you!" He says. 

"What are you talki-" I'm cut off by Calum. 

"GET THE FUCK OF OFF HER!" he screams, grabbing me away from the strange man. 

"Oh Superman to the rescue!" The man says sarcastically before trying to grab me back. 
Calum doesn't let him. He punches the man straight across the face before grabbing my hand and running away with me. We get back into the arena. 

"What the fuck happened?" Ashton asks us. 

"Some fucking old guy took her to an alley so I punched his fucking face."

"Oh my God,(Y/N), are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." I sit down on the dressing room couch. Calum sits next to me, hugging me. 

"You sure?" He whispers to me. 

"I'm fine. And thank you." I say, kissing his cheek. 

"Calum you're needed for soundcheck." I hear someone say. 

"I'll be right back." He says, getting up and leaving. 

Ashton comes and sits next to me. "Are you sure you're fine?" He asks. 

"Yes, Ash, I'm fine."

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing. He didn't have time because Calum punched him in the face before he could do anything."

Ashton lightly laughs to himself, "yeah, he's really protective of the people he loves."
I smile at the statement. 

"I'm gonna go get some snacks. Want anything?"

"A water please? And m&m's!" I smile. 
He laughs and starts to walk out the door. He is shortly followed out by Michael. I walk over to Luke who is fixing his unbrushed hair in the mirror. 

"Can I ask you something?" I ask. 

"Yeah, anything." He says, not turning away from the mirror. 

"The guy that took me... He said something about me being famous.... For being on some tape. Do you know what he's talking about?"

"No... But we can look it up." He says, grabbing his laptop and setting it on the counter. 

He looks up my name on google and the first thing to pop up is some YouTube video. He clicks on it and we watch it in horror. It's a video of me and Calum from the previous night. It looks like it was taken from the security cameras on the bus. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is what he was talking about. Luke and I just stare at the screen in horror watching the event unfold. Just as we're about to turn it off, Ash and Michael come into the room and look at the screen. They stare in complete shock as well. Seconds later, Calum comes in and looks at the screen as well. He, too, just stares at the screen. We are all in utter shock at the tape. It's insane. How did someone find this? I close the laptop and everyone comes back to their senses. We all stare at each other in utter disbelief. We sit in silence for a long, long time, until Ashton breaks the silence. 

"What the fuck?"

We all sit in silence again. Seconds after, we all erupt in choruses of, "how did someone get that video?" and "why were we watching that?" and other things as such. Calum and I are the only ones not speaking. We make eye contact from across the group and he motions for me to walk to the other side of the room. The other three boys are still chanting the same sentences and don't even notice. 

"What is that?" He asks. 

"Luke googled my name and we found that." I explain. 

"It looks like it's from the security cameras." He thinks out loud.

"I don't know how it ended up on the internet." I confess.

"Me neither. We need to stop this." 

Just as he says this, Luke turns on the news on the tv. 

"Tonight at ten, bassist and singer Calum Hood sex tape with girlfriend on the bus. Stay tuned."

Well shit.

(Y/N) = Your Name

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