Chapter 21.

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Calum's POV

There is no possible way I'm ever going to let anything happen to (Y/N)". She is mine and always will be. I will protect her from everything. My only problem is I'm not a scientist. I can't save her from this fucking disease. No matter what anyone does, she will never make it past the deadline. I can't even think about this anymore. I need to take my mind off of this. I get up and go into the bus. I change into running clothes and head out the door again. I start to run and I cross the street. I run along the sidewalk. Not until now did I realize that there are tears streaming down my face. I don't care anyways. I can't stop the tears from falling so why even try anymore?

Ashton's POV

Calum has been gone for almost two hours now. I saw him going out for a run, but I know that he coulnd't run for that long in this rainy, overcast weather. It's barely past noon, so there's no way he could be at a bar right now. Plus, he's not even 21 yet, so he can't legally drink. I call his number. No answer. I text him. No answer. Not even a read receipt. I walk out to the tour bus to see if he left his phone there. I walk in an sure enough, it's sitting on his bed. I open the door to get to the back of the bus, and I see Calum sitting there. With an empty beer bottle next to him. Damn it, why did I buy those?

"Calum?" I ask.

He looks slowly up at me then looks down.

"Calum." I say, sternly.

"What?" he says drunkenly.

"Calum." I say again, more sternly than before.

"What?" he repeats, more firmly than before.
I just look at him.

"What? What do you want from me? You know more than I do about this whole disease! I fucking hate this!" he screams, throwing the empty bottle at the wall. I come closer and see three more bottles, empty on the floor.

"The rest of her fucking life will be miserable! All I do is fuck shit up and she hates me now! I'm pretty sure the only reason she's back in the hospital is because of our fight! I can't stand to see her hurt anymore! I'm leaving. We can put the tour on hold. I just need some time."

"Time that she doesn't have." I remind him.

Apparently my sentence caught him by surprise. He stares at me, confused. But slowly, his expression changes. It turns very concerned.

"I can't lose her." he whispers, walking out the door.

(Y/N) = Your Name

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