Headphone Wearing Dragon

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Herobrine's POV

I woke up early and stared at the world around me, I like be the first to wake up, it lets me think about things. I continued to stare at the breathtaking view then I saw what looked like a enderdragon fire into the air, "hey Hero, what-DRAGON!!!!!!" Steve cried ducking down I stared dreamily at the Dragon "that's what you think....." I said Steve popped up next to me, "what?" I asked "wait for it......" I said then the Dragon transformed into a boy in the air "Whoo!" W herd him yell. "Wanna go see him?" I asked "uh, sure?" Steve said, after getting Sunny, we went to the boys direction.

He was over a field, where we found him, and he landed as a Dragon, then went back to a boy. He stretched his arms laughing to himself "that was so much FUN!!!" He yelled "it's good to fly isn't it?" I called he snapped his attention on me "hi Hero!" He cried

Steve's POV

This guy had Brown hair over one eye, black and green headphones, a white v neck, and gray jeans, and Hero really took a liking to him, was this guy the one Hero liked? "Anyway I'm Deadlox! You must be Hero's brother" he said shaking my hand, I'm starting to think Hero knows a lot of people, "Deaaa!" Sunny cried "hi Sunny!" Deadlox said "I see you've been flying today" Hero said "yeah I can't help it! I love to fly! I know I can fly with just wings, but it's even better as a Dragon!" Deadlox said Hero started laughing, "do you know messed up you are?" He said "yeeeeeeeeeesssssssss" Deadlox said, he seems perfect for Hero they seem to like each other Deadlox kept laughing I noticed Hero was blushing a bit from Deadlox's smile, yeah he is so in love. Sunny started making lots of little noises shifting in my arms "hey! What's wrong? Sunny! Stop that!" I said as she kept squirming getting fussy "what's wrong?" I said "AAAAA!!!" She cried Deadlox took hold of her "what's wrong, baby? What's wrong?" He said bouncing her she started crying so Deadlox kissed her cheek "it's ok, it's ok" he said I glanced at Hero he was blushing a bit more, "he's great with kids" he sighed, yeah he is soooooooo in love.

Later we went home and Deadlox came along, he managed to calm Sunny down, he went to lay her down. I made Hero a smug smile "what?" He said "so in love with Deadlox are we?" I said blush literally cracked on his face.

Herobrine's POV

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..........well........ok yes I like Deadlox!" I said quickly "I knew it!" Steve said "just, don't tell him yet, I plan on telling him tonight so zip it!" I said "I'll try!" Steve said "Don't tell him!!!" I said Steve started laughing so I put him in a head lock "ngh! Let meh go!" He cried "not till you promise not to tell him!" I said "ok! I won't tell him! Let me go! I promise!" Steve cried laughing when I started tickling him, I finally stopped and let him go "Good Stevie!" I said he made a pout face "Sunny is asleep now" Deadlox said walking back down the stairs, "what up with your hair?" I asked pointing out his slightly messed up hair "you could have told me she was a Hair-Puller" Deadlox said I broke out laughing again.

Deadlox's POV

Oh my Notch, his laugh. I love that voice everything about Hero is amazing, his hair, his smile, his eyes, his 6 pack......WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING?!?! We're just friends! Plus there's no way he'd like me back.......right? I spent most of the night with Hero and Steve and at some point Hero's friend Shiru came, what if she's his girlfriend? "I'll be upstairs" I said walking away. I stared off the terrace thinking hard about things, it hurts my brain!! "Alright what's wrong?" Went a voice I spun around to see Hero with his smug smile "don't do that! You scared me!" I said "I'm a spirit I'm supposed to be scary" Hero said smugly then he had a serious look "ok I need to tell you something, I've waited long enough and you really need to know" He said "what is it?" I asked Hero was stiff at first then he pressed his lips on mine, my eyes widened then Hero pulled away "I love you Deadlox,that day when Notch tried to take my powers away you were the one that saved me, and I've been in love with you ever since then" Hero told me my eyes were still widening "I understand if you-" I cut him off "just shut up and do it again" I said Hero grinned our lips crashed together, I wrapped my arms around his neck an his hands were on my waist, I could stay like this forever but we had to pull away for air "I love you" I said "I love you too" Hero said with his forehead on mine.

Shiruba's POV

Steve and I saw the whole thing "oh my goodness! In your creeping face Notch!" I said Steve tilted his head "wha?" He said "Notch wanted to get Hero before he found love because Hero's powers would get stronger but, ha! Hero already has love!" I said Steve was a. Little silent yet he was smiling, I wonder what's wrong.

HAI!!!!!! Eh I have nothing to say but HEROLOX, ok see ya cherrys!

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