C H A P T E R · O N E

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Chapter One: Problem solving.

I hope you enjoy!

Picture above is Camille↑️↑️

Ps: Just a heads up, Camille will be speaking in French, even though it's written in English. Does that make sense?

PPS: This chapter will be short.


Camille's P.O.V

Mama and Papa were in the sitting room arguing again, they've been arguing for about three hours already and its all about me. Four days ago I was released from the hospital with three broken ribs, a broken elbow, and a punctured lung with a few bruises.

After the meanest boy in school, along with his friends, almost killed me they left me there all by myself. The bell had just rung signalling that school was now over so I hopped out of my chemistry seat and ran to my locker, I had just put my things away and was about to shut my locker when I was suddenly being dragged away by my hair.

Long story short, I was sent to the hospital where I spent one full month recovering from just my punctured lung, my entire right arm was covered in a cast and my bruises were still dark and very noticeable.

My parents were still yelling but I walked back up to my room instead of listening anymore, yet I could still hear them clearly.

"ce n'est plus sûr pour lui ici!" Mama yelled, I could already see the tears in her eyes. {Translation: It's not safe for him here anymore!}

"Tu ne crois pas que je le sache?!" Papa yelled back, I could already see the veins popping out of his forehead and neck. {Translation: Don't you think I know that?!}

I layed down on my bed and pulled out my iPod, I plugged my headphones in and played my music as loud as I could. I shut my eyes and could feel myself falling asleep as soon as I was about to fall asleep a pain in my elbow made me snap my eyes open, my hand automatically clutched the painful area.

I sat up in bed slowly, with a little struggle, and rubbed my elbow through my cast in hopes the pain will go away. When it didn't I carefully got up from bed, abandoning my iPod, and struggled down the stairs.

"Maman, où sont les antibiotiques?" I ask looking around for her, I don't hear them arguing anymore, so that's good. I find her sitting at the kitchen table, biting her lip and twiddling her fingers. {Translation: Mama, where are the antibiotics?}

"Est-ce que ça va maman?" She jumps, startled by my 'sudden' appearance. {Translation: Are you okay Mama?}

"Oui bébé, ça va, mais il faut qu'on parle." She stood up and walked to the stove where the kettle sat awaiting to be used. She opened the cupboard and pulled a teacup out, she stuck an Earl Grey teabag inside and filled it with the hot water from the kettle. {Translation: Yes baby I'm fine, but we need to talk.}

"Sur quoi?" Mama sat back down and didn't answer me, we were left in an uncomfortable silence until Papa came from around the corner. {Translation: About what?}

"Camille, nous t'envoyons en Amérique." Papa said, his eyes were sad but his face held no emotion. {Translation: Camille, we're sending you to America.}

"quoi? Pourquoi? Quand?" Mama looked down at her tea and sighed, she then looked at Papa as if waiting for him to answer. {What? Why? When?}

"Ce n'est pas sûr pour vous ici, tout ira bien en Amérique." I shook my head, I don't want to move to America, it's so much different than Paris. I don't even speak English. {Translation: It's not safe for you here, you'll be fine in America}

"Non, je ne veux pas y aller. Je ne veux pas! Je ne parle même pas anglais!" I cried, I don't want to go to America. {Translation: No, I don't want to go. I won't! I don't even speak English!}

"Tout ira bien, vous resterez chez votre tante Cécile et votre oncle Ansel. Votre grand-mère Madeleine et votre grand-père Baron sont également présents, vous serez en sécurité en Amérique, promis." Papa gave me a small hopeful smile. {Translation: You'll be fine, you will stay with your Aunt Cecile and Uncle Ansel. Your grandma Madeleine and Grandpa Baron are there also, you'll be safe in America I promise.}

I finally let out the small sob I had been holding in and collapsed in Papa's arms, he held me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

"Quand est-ce que je pars?" I asked, my voice breaking. {Translation: When am I leaving?}

"Dans trois jours." {Translation: Three days from now.}


Anand that's it, I told you its a short chapter, 823 words. Please ignore any mistakes, I hope you enjoyed and stay for the next chapter! Thanks for reading Au revoir!

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