C H A P T E R · S I X

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Chapter Six: The Bartender part two.

Picture above is of the park^^


Camille's P.O.V

I'm currently sitting down at my desk typing away at my small laptop, I must write an essay for literature about Edgar Allen Poe's book 'The Raven' I never understood this story, maybe because I've never read something as confusing as Literature.

I have no idea how I have a B+ in this class, but I'm glad I do. Mama and Papa said if I keep up with my grades they'll allow me to have a tattoo, I've always wanted tattoos, ever since I was about thirteen.

I was pulled out from my essay when I heard my Aunt calling me.

"Camille! Come down please!" I saved my progress, just in case, and shut my laptop. I climbed down my ladder and looked for my Aunt.

"Yes Aunty?" I walked around and found her sitting at the table, I smiled when I saw my Grandma and Grandpa sitting with her. I run up to them an gave them both a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bonjour mon garçon, comment vas-tu?" Grandpa Baron asks. {Translation: Hello my boy, how have you been doing?}

"J'ai été un grand papy Baron! Maman et papa ont dit qu'ils me laisseraient me faire tatouer si je suivais mes notes." I smiled happily, but Grandpa Baron frowned. {Translation: I've been great Grandpa Baron! Mama and Papa said they'd let me have a tattoo if i keep up with my grades."

I knew Grandpa Baron didn't like the idea of tattoos, Grandma Madeleine told me that she once had one but Grandpa Baron had her get it removed. A loud bark and whine at the back door made me smile. I already knew who it was, it was Mary, Grandpa and Grandma's golden Cocker Spaniel, she was an old gal but she was still a pup at heart.

 I already knew who it was, it was Mary, Grandpa and Grandma's golden Cocker Spaniel, she was an old gal but she was still a pup at heart

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I squealed and ran towards the glass doors, I smiled wider when she hopped up against the door with her tail wagging like crazy.

"Puis-je l'emmener faire une promenade au parc? S'il vous plaît!" I practically beg, Grandma Madeleine laughed and nodded, I grabbed Mary's leash and opened the door. She zoomed inside and attacked me with kisses, I latched the leash to her collar, said goodbye to my family, and rushed off to the park. {Translation: May I take her for a walk at the park? Please!}


Camille's P.O.V Continued...

I sat down on a bench and watched as  Mary played with what looked to be a Labrador, they were jumping all about having the time of their lives. Suddenly a big black dog ran over and made me scared for a second, Mary herself his not so small but the black dog was much bigger than both her and the Labrador. He was tall and broad and looked ready to attack with it's cropped ears.

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