5. Sam

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Sam sat in an empty conference room, talking to the hologram of Nick Fury himself.

"You want me to do what? Why would I ever bother trailing Spiderman?"

"Because he is unknown and could be a threat. And because I told you."

Sam rolls his eyes but agrees to trail the vigilante, still not finding the point in it. 


Sam walked through Queens, following the spider as he swung around the city. It was 4 AM before the spider seemed to come to a stop in an alleyway. Sam yawned, not understanding how this hero could spend this much time swinging around and still not seem tired. Sam lurked in the shadows, watching what the vigilante did next.

Peter had felt like he was being followed all night, but his spider-sense told him there was no threat, so he wrote it off as paranoia. He landed in his normal alleyway and spoke to Karen.

"Okay, Karen. I'll head home now as long as you don't tell Tony how late I was out. He will kill me if he knows I'm staying out this late on a school night." 

Peter takes a glance around, he still feels like he is being watched but his spider-sense still says no danger, so he takes over the suit. 

Sams breath catches when he sees Spiderman take off his mask to reveal none other than Peter Parker, Tony's personal intern. He steps out of the shadows and clears his throat.

"Hello Peter."

Peter jumps onto the wall in a panic, he quickly finds the source of the voice and relaxes a bit when he sees Sam.

"So that's why my spider-sense said no danger. Hey, Sam. I know this looks bad but I can explain. I'm Spider-man. Yes, I know it's dangerous, but I want to do this."

Sam stares blankly for a moment, trying to process what the kid is saying and the fact that the kid was still on the wall.

"Okay..okay...okay. I was supposed to figure out if you are a threat. Clearly, you are not. How about you get off the wall and go home, and Tony never as to know any of this happened."

Peter nodded and finished taking off the suit, glad he wore his normal clothes under it today. He grabbed his backpack and scurried off, leaving Sam to walk back to the tower in silence.

Sam told Fury that Spiderman was no threat, but he would not give out the spider's identity. Fury was upset but didn't push it. Sam and Peter starting talking to each other more, mostly enjoying pranking Clint and Tony together. Tony and Clint decided to get them back, and soon a prank war started. 


So, this is the last of the solo chapters. There is still one more chapter of this book, and it'll probably go up tomorrow night so look out for that! 

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