Chapter 4: What Could Go Wrong?

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 After our gentle kiss, Mark started to drag Wade down into the basement. I scoffed at him, "What's up with you and that basement? Why don't you use the attic for once?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms at Mark as he sighed deeply. He seemed to nod reluctantly in agreement as he turned around and went to put Wade's unconscious body in the attic. Now all we had to worry about was Bob. I had no idea what to do about him. Bob was smarter than Wade so I wasn't exactly sure how Mark would deal with him. When Mark came back down from the attic, he seemed normal again. It was oddly satisfying to see how quick his mind can change.

"So, shall we call Bob?" He smirked, walking up to me. I felt like things would properly fall into place if Mark lured Bob here. I nodded and smiled devilishly. Mark smiled back to me in the same manner and went off into the kitchen to call Bob. "What could go wrong?" I thought to myself, "When Bob comes, I can make the strike. I can prove myself to Mark." With these thoughts swirling in my head, I started to laugh to myself. However, I hardly even noticed that I was laughing out loud until Mark yelled at me to quiet down. Even if I love the big meathead, he sure can be a real thorn in my side. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever get rid of him and be fine on my own. Then again, I'm sure those types of thoughts run through his head as well.

Mark slowly came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "If you bail know what I would have to do, right?" I turned around to face him and I gave him a good back handed smack. How dare he question my ability to keep quiet. "Aren't you a bit rough today? Why you gotta be like this?" I sighed and shook my head. Mark thought he could sweet talk his way out of this one but he was more than wrong. "I'm not some toy Mark and what we're doing is no game! If you think I'm being rough now then I'll show you how rough I can really get." I snarled at him and pushed him aside to go into the kitchen. That was when I snapped and grabbed the butcher knife from the knife drawer. "You wanna play Mark? Fine, we'll play," I smirked and turned around. Mark, with a wide smile, also had a knife in his hands. I suppose he was prepared for this breaking point. "Oh don't worry Jack. I won't hurt you too much," He laughed and then lunged toward me. Luckily I was able to slide out from under him and shove him into the counter. I was ready to strike, however something kept me held back. Mark deserved this so why the hell was I pussyfooting out of this and not giving him what for?

Then, all at once, Mark had me down on the floor with the knife to my throat. He was laughing maniacally and so was I. I spat at his face and laughed even louder, "What's the matter Markimoo? Can't take the jab?" His face was ridden with anger and also had a hint of bitter sadness to it. I liked it when he looked like that. He was weak and unfocused. I couldn't pass up the opportunity and so then I kicked him off me. As if he didn't have enough bruises from me already, I figured why not give him a nice slash as well. I went to throw down the butcher knife yet I was interrupted by the door bell. Lucky us. Bob was here now. "Let the fun really begin," Mark said as we both started to laugh again with each other. It was time.

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