To Weave A Tale

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It takes an awful lot
To weave a tale
To tell a lie so good
That even you think it's true

What shall your tale be?
The one you make in your mind
The one that slips between teeth
You say you do not have

I listen so hard
To what you have to say
In case a truth
Comes too

But I know deep
Deep, deep down
In my heart of hearts
I will not know if it will

You lived the truth
Behind your tale
But that does mean
Your tale is all right

I cry and plead and beg
Just for a slither of truth
A promise that you are

But I have no promise
Just a feeling
A hope, a dream
That you will tell me someday

It takes an awful lot
To weave a tale
But somehow it's harder
To not make one at all

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