Prank Week

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Travis POV

It all started when the gods were playing truth or dare. Well at least Connor and I think that's what they were playing. They all came to us asking for revenge. Dad said that he would supply us with any pranking supplies we needed. Aphrodite volunteered to charmspeak anyone that caught us. Athena gave us every cabins timetable for a week. With the gods help we would be able to pull of the best pranks ever.

"Come on Conner you are taking so long!" I complained loudly.

"Its not my fault I'm the one who has to carry a full bucket of sparkly neon pink paint to the Hades cabin. Who knew this would be so heavy!" He replied annoyed.

"Whatever! I'm the one who should be complaining. These posters for the Artemis cabin are ginormous."

"Ugh. I'll go set up the stuff in the Hades cabin. Meet back here later."

"FINE" I whisper-yelled back.

Connor POV

Yeesh! I cannot believe the crazy amount of locks Di Angelo put on his door! Like seriously no one does that. Luckily I am able to get through without any alarms going off.

Great, everything was set up. Sparkly neon pink walls? Check. Frilly pink dresses? Double check. Heart shaped confetti smothered on the fan? Uh yeah. Posters of Percy? Yes. Special non removable pink make-up, honey, and shaving cream applied to face? Overly excessive amounts. A bunch of other things that I just made up on the spot? Check, check, and check. Finally, i stole the rest of his clothes so that only the pink clothes were left behind. As I slipped out, I made sure all the cameras were set up. I could not wait to see the reaction on his face when he sees everything that I did. As I look at my watch, I realize that this took me an hour! I hope Hypnos keeps his promise of making sure everyone stays asleep until we are done.

I quickly meet Travis at the planned out spot but no matter how much I plead, he will not tell me what he did to the Artemis cabin. We decide to do the Aphrodite cabin next because their cabin will take the longest especially since all the gods seemed especially mad at her so we really have to get them bad.

Travis POV

"There is no way I am telling you what I did to the Artemis cabin and the hunters staying inside," I repeated to my brother for the trillionth time.

"Please Please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..." Connor replied. "Just a little please?"

"Fine!" I agreed to my highly annoying brother. "But only If you promise to stop begging after I tell you two things!"

"Agreed" My annoying brother replied.

"I set up cameras everywhere and-" I got cut off by him.

"That is so obvious!"

"Shush! First you are begging me to tell you and now you are stopping me! Anyways as I was saying before I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED, I also put up a bunch of posters of boys up with lipstick marks on them," I continued.

"That is all you are going to tell me?!"

"Duh! Well unless you agree to wear whatever I tell you to wear tomorrow!" I exclaimed as obnoxiously as possible.

"Hmm... I will think about it" My brother replied stroking his imaginary beard.

Should I do a part two?

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