Percabeth in school

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(Takes place before TOA and after HOO)

Annabeth was a high-schooler. Luckily, she got to go to school with Percy at Goode. Unfortunately they only had first period homeroom, lunch, and last-period English together. Annabeth had AP classes for everything except for English, Mythology, and Architecture. She found it weird that everyone had to take Mythology and there wasn't an AP class for it. Architecture was her elective for obvious reasons while Percy's was Marine Biology because he 'wanted to know which animals he was talking to underwater'. 

Annabeth's POV:

I sat down in my second period Mythology class and wondered what they were going to do. Percy had dropped me off here before going to his class next door. Since I had joined school later then everyone else I had taken a easy Greek mythology quiz to make sure I knew what the rest of the class had already learnt. 

"Today we will be learning about Tartarus. Open your textbooks to page 48."

'Tartarus?' I thought, zoning out of class. The fates really did hate me. I attempted to control my thoughts and fill my brain with happy thoughts like Reyna taught me and zoned back in. 

" . . .were thrown into Tartarus . . ."

I was lying in Tartarus. I had finished off Arachne but she didn't leave without making her mark. Percy's limp body was lying next to me. 


"Today we will be learning about Tartarus. Open your textbooks to page 48." 

Mia opened her textbook which was already out and looked around. Sitting next to her was Annabeth Chase, the new kid. It might have been a trick of the light but Mia thought she saw Annabeth shudder at the word Tartarus. Maybe it was just a cold draft coming in from the window. 

"Truly evil creatures in Greek Mythology were thrown into a deep abyss in the ground. It is used as a dungeon of torment and endless suffering. The titans were thrown into Tartarus-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Annabeth's shrill scream pierced the air, cutting him off. She sat in her chair screaming, crying, and shuddering. Everyone's eyes were on her now, their hands covering their ears. Everyone seemed to be frozen in places so Mia stood up and walked to Annabeth's desk. 

"Annab- OW!" Mia backed away, surprised. Annabeth, with deadly accuracy, had punched her in the gut. Annabeth's guttural screams still soared through the air. She fell on the floor thrashing with tears running down her already soaked cheeks. Someone had closed the window so the sound wouldn't flood the parking lot but other than that, no one knew what to do. What on earth was wrong with Annabeth?

Suddenly the door burst open. Percy Jackson burst in. He wasn't even phased at Annabeth's actions and ran to Mia's desk. 

"What's the trigger?" he asked, speaking quickly and forcefully.

"The w- huh?" Percy was staring at my textbook, muttering under his breath.

"Tartarus. That's what were were learning about. But why does that matter?" Percy's dyslexia was a common fact and, in return for not making a big deal from it, people generally helped him out. Percy shuddered and a tear dropped from his eye. He looked like he was on his breaking point and could collapse from the anguish at any moment. It got worse and worse by the millisecond. What could have happened that hurt these two so much. 

"PERCY!" His name must have jerked him from whatever he was going through and whipped around to face Annabeth. Maybe it was my imagination but those two seemed to have a strong bond. It may have been Annabeth's voice that returned him to the present and gave him the strength to walk toward her. 

"Annabeth, its all right. Were out. I'm here. With you." Percy said in a soothing tone, inching closer to Annabeth. Each word he uttered seemed to bring him back, decreasing the tears streaming down his face, making his breath less ragged. 

"PERCY! How could you? Th-the poison..." Annabeth whimpered. Her breath was getting shorter and her words quieter. Percy walked to her and sat down.

"Percy, i'm scared." At this, Percy leaned down and started whispering words into her ear, stroking her hair. 

"O-of you...." Annabeth's nearly indistinct voice faded and i think only I and Percy heard that last word. At it Percy froze. Then, whimpering, he regained his senses.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. I won't do it again. Ever. Just stay here, stay with me. We are out. S-she's alive. I'- I'm normal" He said the word normal with a hitch in his breath.

"Annabeth stopped crying, but her shudders increased and so did her screams, though they were dull and quiet.

"Annabeth. We are here together. Wise Girl, I-I love you."

"I-I love you too."Annabeth was back to normal. Well as normal as she could seem in that situation. I hoped everyone eventually found their soulmates (Or at least the ones who wanted to). I hoped I found my soulmate. But for now, Percabeth's love was enough to fill everyone in the room with hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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