Kotaro the 6th member of the Kyurangers?

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(Opening shot:an overhead view of the headquarters,Kotaro gets out of the zord and is happy to see his friends)

Lucky:Kotaro,you're back.

Kotaro:Yeah,I still have bruises the last time u hugged me,Lucky.

Lucky:Yeah,I know.

Hammie:Kotaro,you're...I mean what's up?

(Kotaro hugs her,Naga and Lucky step over)

Kotaro:Naga,what's shaking?

Naga:Good to see u too.

Hammie:Its great to see u again.Its like we didn't think we ever see u again.

(She addresses herself to Stinger and drags Kotaro over here)

Hammie:Stinger,look,Kotaro's back,isn't that great?

Stinger:Yeah,just help yourself to anything in the fridge...and don't forget to lock the door when u leave.

Kotaro:Actually,I wasn't planning on leaving this time.I'm ready to take u guys up on your offer.I want to be a Kyuranger.

(A big smile on his face fades to uneasiness,all of whom stared confusedly,stop on Hammie)


Kotaro:Got it.Sorry.Didn't realize the offer had an experation date.(walks off)

Lucky:Wait! (Kotaro stops and looks at Lucky) The offer didn't expire,we're just concerned.(Pan to Hammie)

Hammie:Yeah,well,the last time u did its when you freaked out and ran away,You weren't completely...um...completely....(Pan to Stinger)

Stinger:You couldn't control yourself.

Kotaro:(smiling broadly) Hel-lo? That's why I left.Lucky said I need practice,so I've been practicing,check it out.

(Kotaro uses his Koguma powers,Lucky,Naga,Hammie and Raptor watching starstruck as Kotaro zips past)



Hammie:Yeah,he has gotten better.

Stinger:He learned a few tricks,doesn't mean that he's dangerous.

(On the end of this line,a cut close up of Kotaro,who's face is right on top of his game,he continues his Koguma powers that makes the other Kyurangers oh and ah,he now uses his Kyutama to give him more power,the 5 Kyurangers brace for impact,he became huge then he hits the rocks,slow pan across the Kyurangers whose mouths are open in awe)




Kotaro:(in giant voice) See,I've got everything under control.

(A tremor shakes him out of his mood,he was in his normal self and tumbles to the ground,The Kyurangers runs to him)

Lucky:Kotaro,are u ok?


(Cut to a computer map in the headquarters which is in the center)


(He and the others are studying the map which is in the center)

Naga:Small ones,but they're happening all over the world.

Kotaro:Too many to be natural.

Lucky:That's because they're not earthquakes,they're a trail.

(Close up of the map,it appears to be two more earthquakes)

Lucky:Something is moving under the city.We need to find out what,everyone let's go!


(Hammie,Raptor and Naga head out,Lucky and Stinger followed them but they stop when Kotaro was standing behind them)

Lucky:Are u coming or not?

Kotaro:Does this mean I'm on the team?

Lucky:It means we can use our help.(turns to Stinger) Right?


(Kotaro gives him a satisfied nod and runs through the door,brushing against Stinger as he passes,Stinger was unnerved by the fact Kotaro was playing in his head,he's against a black field,Lucky had his hand on his shoulder,the features are set in a cruel smile)

Lucky:Are u ok?

Stinger:Can't tell,are u sure we can him around?

Lucky:Not entirely,but everyone deserves a second chance.

(Lucky runs out,close up of Stinger's face,broadcasting distrust loud and clear and zoom in)

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