Trip #337.3

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Date - 6/6/19

Item - Phone Charger & Protect Orange Crate w/ UL On All Sides

Thief - Cam

I was going to check the apartment for one, since it would have been more convenient, but I hear voices inside when I walk by. So I, instead, head to the lobby, hoping to ask someone if I can borrow their charger.

The first class main entrance is beautiful! It's a large room with two curving staircases going from down the middle, around the room's sides, and up into a balcony-like hallway where all the rooms are set. There are benches and tables lined with gold (to fit the color scheme of white, gold, silver, and periwinkle), and even a little in-boat-coffee shop! I'm amazed, but have to act like I already knew what this place owned.

The lobby is crowded, which gives me an opportunity to ask more people for chargers. It shouldn't be too hard.

But yet, it was.

The second I had placed my foot on the red carpet floors, I'm approached by a man.

"Alie! It's so good to see you!" he exclaims in a very deep, rich tone. His brown hair seems red due to the candle lit chandelier, but the tips of his hair remain blonde. His eyes are a soft honey color, and his face just looks perfect. He looks like the dream boy that every girl would want to date.

"I'm so glad I found you!" I exclaim, throwing on my rich girl voice. "What's with the suit? I'm not sure you need to be this fancy just to see me!" I joke, regarding his night black tux and purple striped tie.

"Well, there's only an hour before dinner!" he responds, laughing as well.

Dinner? What dinner? Quickly, I spin my question into a casual remark. "Oh! Right! Dinner! I've been so caught up with unpacking that I lost track of time!"

"Don't worry about it, Alie!" the man chuckles, quickly averting his eyes around the room. "We're all a little caught up at the moment." he grabs my hand, but quickly throws it back at my waist. "I'm sorry, it's just...I'm not sure how much longer I much longer I'll hold up during this."

I had no clue what he was talking about. It must be something personal that he shared with Alilah. I want to change the subject, but his pained expression tells me I have to say something to make him feel better.

Quickly thinking, I say to this man, "Don't worry, it'll all be over soon."

The man smiles. "Thank you," he then looks around again. "love." I blush, but not because I'm flattered. "See you at dinner! At six thirty, okay?"

"You'll see me there!" I exclaim.

I turn to go up the stairs, but as I do, I hear him shout, "Wear purple!" I nod to him, and continue up the stairs.

Trip #337Where stories live. Discover now