Waking Up

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Sometimes, when you're too numb of pain or too numb of loss -- nothing matters in the world. Nothing anyone does can cheer you up, you just have to go through the motions, day by day. Everyone says that it gets better, but truth is, it doesn't. You fall into that sad routine and become sad everyday. Then it leads to depression -- not an easy thing to get rid of.

They also say that love hurts, and if there's no pain, it's not real love. But if it were real love, you wouldn't hurt the other in the first place. Now would you?

When you lose someone you love, this is exactly what happens. But when you get hit by a semi truck right after, it doesn't nessicarily happen. Considering the nurses here actually make you eat, talk, and work to recover.

I looked over at the bed next to mine where Tristan was still sound asleep. A white, pristine bandage aorund his head reminded me of the accident that I didn't want to think about. I shuddered as I looked at his limp body - dead to the world.

The driver had been drunk driving (once again, in my life) and had driven off the cliff just moments after he nearly killed me and put Tristan into a coma. It was unfair. Life was unfair. Anything that has a chance of being fair, is always unfair.

As I walked between two support bars in physical therapy, the nurse came up to me with a bright smile on her face, "Good news, Annalise! Tristan woke up and is functional!"

The news coming out of her mouth caused me to stumble and hit my head on the supporting bar. It made a loud thud as it landed on the cushioned ground of the room. Thought it wasn't cushioned enough, and my head began to spin.

There were soon three nurses and a doctor standing over me. A light was briefly shined in my eyes and I felt myself being lifted onto a bed. The sense of moving went throughout me and I could just faintly make out the details of an operating room.

As a mask was place on my face, my body started to get a weird tingling sensation. A funky taste filled me and the edges of my vision started to blur out. Soon the world was gone and I was consumed in a world of blackness.


A silent tear ran down my face as I looked at her pale body in the bed next to mine. To think, these roles were reversed just hours ago. Her chest slowly rose and fell, but that meant nothing. She was dead to the world and I had no one to talk to.

As if the staff would care to hear about my dead sister, my dead mother, my father that I don't even want to describe. All I would get are fake sympathetic looks that would drive me crazy. At least Annalise knows the pain I'm going through.

These people have no idea.

She started to stir slightly, but I don't know if it was just my mind playing tricks on me or not. My vision was a little blurred from the falling tears.

"Tristan?" Her smooth voice called out. My heart broke as I heard her, she sounded so vulnerable and so little. She sounded as if she was in so much pain, like she was almost afraid of my.

"Right here," I said, reassuringly.

"Don't you ever leave me, okay?" She asks.

I wipe the tears off of my face and look over at her. She was practically skin and bones and as pale as ever. The doctors took no notice, and never really bothered giving her an IV drip. I looked into her eyes and saw the fear, pain, and a million of other emotions swimming behind the strong, almost unbreakable surface. Just like that I fell in love.

"I promise I'll never leave you, Annalise," I croaked. And I meant that promise.


yay or nay??

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