Dreams of Him

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He promised me. Tristan promised me he would never leave me. After he said those heartfelt words, I blacked out again. But it wasn't cold and lonely as I dreamed of Tristan and his promise. The way he cried and the way he talked. The time where he punched a guy for flirting with me. My slumber was filled with Tristan.

Tristan, Tristan, Tristan. It was all Tristan, nothing else.

My heavy eyelids peeled open and I found myself in an upright position in the hospital bed. I looked over to my right and saw Tristan's bed was gone and I was alone in the room. Sighing, I closed my eyes. I should have known he wouldn't keep such a promise to a mess like me.

The door opened and a doctor walked in, "Hello, Annalise. How are you feeling?"

"My temples hurt a little bit, but other than that I'm fine," I answer, observing the man.

He seemed to be in his late forties, balding in the middle. He also wore glasses, indicating he had poor vision. Something about him told me he's seen many grave things and experienced a lot. Maybe it was the way his built body loomed, or even the way his brown eyes darkened. He just seemed wise. His voice was deep and held authority; like it was made for a doctors voice.

"Yes, well that's very normal," He explains, "You'll be released later tonight. By the way, I'm Dr. Holden. You also have a young man who would like to see you,"

I nod, "Thank you Dr. Holden, and you can tell him to come in,"

Dr. Holden nods shortly and exits the room. In a minute there were footsteps approaching and my door swung open. Standing in the doorway was Tristan. As he neared me, I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the way his hair stuck out everywhere. He wore a baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Did you even sleep once?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No. They wouldn't let me come see you so I waited," he answers.

"For how long?" I ask hesitantly, not sure if I want to know the answer.

Tristan shrugged, "A day or two, but I didn't count the days I was still in the hospital,"

"You're insane," I tell him.

Once again, he shrugs, "Maybe,"

He sits beside me and we talk. Talk for hours, to the point where it's time for me to be released. Once I'm approved and I change into clothes that Tristan brought for me earlier, he drives me home.

It's silent in the car, other than the radio. I stare out the window as we pass the fence that blocks off the edge of the cliff from the road. There's a gaping hole and the metal is all bent. Soon we're away from the edge and we pass the children's hospital and the site of our accident.

You can see the skid marks from the semi truck so obviously in the light of the falling sun.

I shudder as we drive over the exact spot. Tristan takes my hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I just nod and keep focused on the road.

When we pull up to my house, I don't want to go in. Don't want to leave Tristan and don't want him to leave me.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" He asks and I nod gratefully.

When we reach the door, it flies open and I see my mothers furious face.

"Where have you been?" She spits and me and I stare at her in shock. What was she talking about? Didn't anyone tell her I got hit by a semi truck?

"I was in the hospital," I reply folding my arms over my chest, defiantly.

"Why?" She asks simply.

"If you actually cared to know, I got hit by a drunk semi truck driver as well as Tristan here," I say, gesturing towards Tristan.

"Why didn't you call me? The hospital? Anyone!?" She shouts.

I groan and rub my temple. This whole thing was giving me a migraine. And I was not the best person when I get headaches.

"Excuse me, Ms. Robins, but Annalise has been in a coma after hitting her head in physical therapy a few days ago," Tristan explains for me.

She gasps and tells us to come in. I'm sent upstairs as my mom finds out all of the details from Tristan. When I enter my room, I immediately fall onto my bed and fall asleep.

Once again, my dreams are filled with thoughts of Tristan.

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