Unlike you

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A long time ago, I am a person who lives in the dark ,then I met you.

I told myself that youre just like anybody else. So I did not pay attention to you, I know eventually you will get tired of me if I ignore you. But no, it seems you dont know how to give up. Im not into you but youre always bugging me. Then I started talking to you thinking that you will stop if you got what you want. When I respond to what you're saying for the first time, you were shocked. Not just your smile but I also noticed something sparks in your eyes. I admit that made me also happy.

For some reason we talked a lot everyday. As the time pass I got used to your presence. And before I noticed it, im already open to you. I dont know maybe because you're persistent, if I was you, Im already gone a long time ago. But im not you and will never be you. You are different from the others.

Unlike you, they dont care.
Unlike you, they dont trust me.
Unlike you, they dont understand. Unlike you, they cant keep up with my stupid personality.

You know me better than anyone else. And unlike them, you accept me for what I am and whatever I will be. But unlike you, I feel something for you.

Yes, I do. Maybe its because you make me smile when I dont feel like smiling at all. Maybe its because you call me whenever I feel lonely. Maybe because you make me feel so special. You really are great.

Then one day you told me that you want to meet me. Surely I said yes with huge smile over my cheeks. Im getting this off my chest. And decides to tell you what I feel. I dressed just like a woman. Im at our favorite restaurant, wearing the lipstick you gave me on my 16th birthday, there I waited for you. You told me that im pretty whenever I put it on. You dont know that I was about to explode because of excitement whenever you praise me. And now im still excited on what you are going to say.

Then someone tap my shoulder. It was a girl, and youre with her. Unlike you, that hand are softer and slimmer. She greeted me so I gave back the generosity. Her hand surprised me but her other hand got me really good.

Unlike the hand she used to touch me, her other hand is intertwined with yours. Im not dumb, i grasped the situation easily. You introduced me to her as your friend.

Is that all I am to you? Tsk.. It dont matter anyway.

You asked me to join the two of you. I dont know how dense you are, but im close to tears. I wish I had the strength to say no. Watching you two kills me but I cant take off my eyes on you. How foolish right?

Your dream is my nightmare. Yet I dont want to wake you up. Im lucky yet unfortunate. The night ends as we drive her home. After that you said thanks for saying "yes" cause I know how hard it is for you to do things like that. You are shy. And nervous around girls. Me? All I can do is to smile and be happy for you. Be it me or not, you should be happy.

Well that was a long time ago, but the wounds are still fresh to me like it happened yesterday . I'll never be the same again.

But hell, you drive me crazy and thank you for that.

Sorry If I had to cut off my ties back then. I really just cant keep myself from falling. Just one last wish, I hope you take care of yourself.

This is the last time I'll address you.

I'll start to unlike you.

Coz unlike you, I love you.

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