beautifully human

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It amazes me how complex the human feelings are.
How fragile they are.
Yet how strong they are.

I shine brighter than the sun, even if the darkness is leaking from the cracks of my soul. 

I dance to the beat of my fractured heart, even if it's pieces cut my feet.

I smile A warm summer day, even if I'm as cold as a freezing winter night.

I call the name of God, even when my faith Is shaken.

I love, even when I'm out of it. 

My eyes that weep over the pillow are the same eyes that looks fondly at the stars.

I fall, and get up.
I suffer and I endure.
I break, I shatter, and I mend myself back again.

I still survive, I'm still here.

Maybe I'm not here for long but isn't that the beauty of being human?

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