some people

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Some people are meant to suffer.

Some people fall in the endless loop of "life can't get any worse" which life response "bitch, you thought" and boom.. Now your life is hell.

As if your being punished for the crime of your mere existence, and the world lays all it's burdens on your puny mortal shoulders

You stand by and watch the universe plays this huge humorless cruel joke on you, as your life burn in the fiery pit of hell with Satan setting there, sipping tea and looking at you seductively.

Some people live their life locked up in their minds trying to run from this fucked up reality then some day they wake up only to find that life has passed them by, they look back to realize that they never lived their life and their best memories were never made.
Instead they find the trauma waving at y... "Oh hey, how you doin? Having fun in here?"
And they finally come to terms that they got suckered.

Some people just not meant to be happy.

I am some people.

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