Chapter 20

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King Markus insisted we stay for one more night before heading out but the sooner we left the better. Too much time had already elapsed since we left Desroche in Ghanlar and I wanted to check in with my Nao friends to ensure they were safe.

Cathy picked up Lady Middleton's newly repaired noblewoman's armour and was happy to be rid of the clunky iron. Strapping on her sword and shield, she beamed at the thought of hitting the open road again. For all her talk of enjoying hot food and soft beds, she was a fighter and wanderer with an attention disorder. After this mission, it was going to be tough to keep her in one location again.

I was shocked to see Natalie ready to join us. I knew we would be leaving her behind soon, but she wanted to join us to Riverside at least. She was suited up in her armour and at the docks long before Cathy and I arrived.

"The ferry won't wait forever," Natalie called out to us. "You guys coming or should we wait for the next one?"

"We're here, we're here," Cathy replied. "Keep your top on."

"I see you brought the kitchen help with you," Natalie joked, pointing to my clothes. "This is why nobody takes your fashion tips seriously."

I shook my head and boarded the ferry. After going through all of my clothes on this trip, I had borrowed a durable looking set from the servants' closet at the White Castle. If I was going to have arrows fired at me, I wanted something that I could destroy without damaging my conscience. Nobody would care about this set the second I left town.

"You should consider getting some personal armour," Natalie suggested, taking a seat with Cathy.

"It's always too bulky and restricts my use of magic," I said, sitting beside her and Cathy. "Plus, how could I use my demon skin to protect myself against magic if I'm covered in armour."

"Get a custom set," she answered. "A chest piece without the shoulders. Oh, and don't wear gauntlets. You can still use your full arms for magic and keep those vital organs safe." She smacked me in the stomach.

"That's...a good idea," I said thoughtfully. "I had promised myself I wouldn't wear armour again but I always seem to end up in a suit. I might as well find something comfortable when I have the coin."

Natalie pulled out her bag and threw a full coin purse at me. "Your share for taking down Joe. He won't need it." She turned to Cathy. "None for you because you are already a rich lady of the court."

"Not even a loan until I make it home?" Cathy joked.

"Ask Demon, I'm not sharing," Natalie answered with a smile.

"Well...thanks," I said pleasantly surprised.

"No problem," Natalie said. "Seems every time we get together we are taking down a crime boss and taking their loot. If you run low on coin, just come find me. There are still a few crime bosses I hate left."

I laughed. "Good to know. Should I look for you at Aaron's farm or just go immediately to the nearest prison?"

Natalie laughed. "It wouldn't hurt to check them but you are better off looking for me in Malkia. I was staying with my sister before all this."

"I didn't know you had a sister," I said surprised. "What is her name?"

"Emily," Natalie smiled.

I chuckled. "You are just messing with me now."

"Maybe, maybe not," Natalie said. "You'll just have to come to Malkia and find me."

I nodded thoughtfully. "It's a deal."

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