Chapter 6: Vision

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MountView Police Station.
8th December.
7 pm.

It was late, the roads were as quiet as they could be. The four of them were back to the police station. There was no time to sleep nor the moment allowed them to. The monster who had murdered Sybil Khan had now attacked Aryaan's own sister, his blood, a part of him. How could he let it go?

"Is it confirmed that it was the same person who murdered Sybil?" Murtaza rubbed his hands for warmth.

"Yes, remember when we looked at the window of Sybil's washroom? It was not opened because whoever it was, he did not come from the window but from the main door itself." Aryaan's voice was low.

"But how? What about the security guard? Did he not see him or her? And wasn't the door locked?" Roshanay raised her head from one of the files.

"No, the guard was co-incidentially on a leave. And the door had a code lock which was again opened by hacking. The wires were moved and computerized by some sort of gadget." Kabir told them.

The night passed. They kept studying the case files and discussing but could not enter a conclusion. They were exhausted and tired and needed a break. Exactly at that moment, the Sheriff entered the room and he was taken aback by their situation.

"You know you all should take a break." He said.

"Boy? There's someone here to meet you." The nanny entered the room and informed the hazel eyed boy who was busy playing with X-Box. There were several other kids in the play room and also a little girl in a pony tail and a pretty frock with red and white flowers on it. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

The boy was then taken to the large hall where a man who looked in his mid 40's was sitting on a sofa placed in the room. The man had an umbrella in his hand and was dressed in a suit and tie.

"Hi, I am Farooq Nizamaani. How are you?" The man smiled at the 15 year old boy.

The boy replied quite nervously," I am fine,thankyou. Uh, how are you?" He knew the reason why the man had come to visit him.

Farooq smiled whole-heartedly at the boy, "I am fine. You know, I talked to Miss Marina here and she said that you are one of the most obedient and nicest of kids here. Isn't it true, boy?" He smiled again.

"Thankyou so much but Miss Marina handles all of us really good hence the reason we are like this." The boy replied with a proud smile.

Farooq chuckled and began to say, "That's exactly the reason why I have to take you with me. You'll live with me and my wife now. She awaits at my, I mean our house."

The boy looked quite intimidated by thr sudden revelation. The man had come here to adopt him and was the very source of a new beginning in the boy's life.

"Would you like to come live with me Kabir?" The man placed his hand on Kabir's shoulder.

Kabir woke up and sat up straight. He could feel the beads of sweat on the whole of his face. He took deep breaths several times and opened the window of his room as the whole town came in view.

15 years had passed since he had been adopted by the Nizamanis. Their only son. Their only heir. But yet Kabir would not stop having these dreams. In this house, he never found peace. Maybe because of the memories attached to it. The past isn't always easy to forget or let go and no one could know that better than Kabir Nizamaani. He turned only to discover his wallet placed on his bed side table.

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