Chapter 12

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##### Memory 2 #####

Part 7 :

Professor Snape saw how Harry was looking for a way to help Aurora. He went through many old tomes and thousands of books.

He finally found it, he was ecstatic. The way to help Aurora was to find the item that the person was using to order Aurora to kill the Muggleborns in Hogwarts.

It had to be something that had belonged to Tom Riddle or some object that could issue a command in Parcel, but what could it be or who had it?

Later that night he slipped back into the Library to the Restricted Section, to see if he could get more answers.

He found a book about soul separation, it was called 'How To Make A Horocrux'. He read the book and found his answer, Tom had in some way separated his soul.


Harry was thinking of who could have the item, then it came to him who else but Ginny Weasley could have it.

She had been looking ill and pale before she had went 'missing'. He was sure she had it, but how did she get it?

Then Harry rembered the Diary he had picked up in the girl's lavatory, but that was stolen later on, could that be a fragmented piece of soul?

And how did Ginevera Weasley get the Diary or where did she get it?

For wouldn't it be locked up somewhere, somewhere where nobody could find it and where it was safe?

After all it was a piece of Lord Voldemort's soul. And he would never let it lay around where little girls could pick it up and play with it. It was important after all.

He wondered how he could get the Diary back from that creepy little red headed girl?

He was going to be honest with himself and admit that she frightened him to his magic core.

Severus Snape gave a small smile at this thought. Nobody could see him anyway, so it didn't matter.


Harry decided that he could always just ask for Aurora's help. He put away everything he used in the library and went to Myrtle's bathroom.

He spoke to Myrtle a little bit, she was pretty lonely up here - nobody came to visit her, only Harry.

After speaking to her, Harry opened the door to the Chambers and climbed down the stairs.

He could feel that something was wrong in the Chambers, Aurora wasn't there to greet him like always and the door closest to Salazar's statue was open when he knew it was closed when he left last time. And he could hear angry hissing from Aurora and an unknown female voice.

He inched closer to door very quietly to see who was making Aurora angry.

* Why are you ussssing masssster Tom to do your bidding? * Aurora hissed angrily.

Harry could now make out that it was indeed Ginevera Weasley that was doing this and wasn't even surprised by it.

* Becausssse Professssor Dumbledore told me to do thissss and then to blame it all on your masssster. * Ginevera gave a creepy and evil laugh.

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