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Unity Day

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Unity Day. The whole celebration was laughable, it was all a lie anyway. Diana hadn't gotten any sleep, anger distracted her as she paced around camp most of the night. Thoughts of what Harper had said also kept her awake, sure Diana was Octavia's friend. But Octavia was straight, even if Diana wanted to pull a move it would get her nowhere, that was her mindset anyway.

She watched the sunrise in awe, how the once dark sky filled with explosions of red, orange, pink and eventually blue. Diana had liked sunrise better than sunset, a sunrise was the beginning of a new day, a fresh start to move past the mistakes she made yesterday. She was sitting ontop of the dropship where Finn had jumped from on the first day they hit the ground, Diana found it pretty simple to scale. "Hey." She heard from below her seeing Isaac but he wasn't alone, Octavia was with him. Diana rubbed her tired eyes before heading down.

"Hey guys." She greeted, shoving her hands in the pockets of her jacket. "What's up?"

"Come with us." Isaac said turning around and walking towards the gate. Diana's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she followed, Octavia beside her.

Her brown eyes flickered to Octavia recalling Harper's words then they fell to Isaac's back. He held the gate open for the pair. "What's going on?" Diana questioned, stopping as the gate closed. "If you wanted to talk to me privately we could have went to your tent." She told Isaac.

"We're just going for a walk." Isaac kept moving forward.

Diana scoffed. "A walk? Okay one of you better tell what the hell is going on before I leave." She demanded taking a step back towards the gate.

"Wait." Octavia quickly grabbed the girl's wrist.

"You and Harper broke up?" Isaac asked turning around.

Diana glared at him. "Excuse me?" She snapped crossing her arms. "Mine and Harper's situation has nothing to do with you Isaac."

Octavia quietly cleared her throat. "We heard you guys yelling last night." Diana shook her head.

"What the fuck does that have to do with why I'm here?"

Isaac nodded to Octavia before heading inside camp. "You didn't deny her accusations."

"What, so you and Isaac were listening in on our arguement?" Diana kicked her heel into the ground. "Since when did you guys become friends?" She couldn't wrap her head around the conversation her fingers curling into her palm.

"Listen, it's not like we were eavesdropping on you Diana. I know it seems that way but-" Octavia cut herself off before shaking her head and starting again. "Do you?" She asked.

"Do I what?"

Octavia's green eyes met Diana's chocolate ones. "Do you like me?"

Diana felt her heart skip a beat as her breath hitched. "Butterfly-"

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