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Carmen POV

Today is the first day of school and I can't wait to see Cam I miss him. I only see him on the weekends but thats gonna change when I see him.


I heard my phone going of telling me I had a text from Cam.


Cam: Good morning cutie.

Me: Good morning, you going to school today?

Cam: Yeah oh course, you know I needa pick up some hoes.

Me: Mhmmmh ayo you need to leave them hoes alone and come fuck with a real bitch!

Cam: Lol and who would that be?

Me: Me and you know it!

Cam: Lol I just might try that, want me to come pick you up?

Me: oh ared and yeah hurry up punk

*Conversation Ended*

I blushed for a lil bit until I finally got up and did my hygiene and walked into my walk in closet and pulled out my light blue ripped joe's and a white tru religion shirt. My red, and nude pumps . As I let my 30'in Brazilian fall down my back as. I quickly applied light makeup to my face with some blue lipstick from sephora. Then I heard a horn.

Cameron POV

I pulled up in front of Carmen's house and beeped my horn and she walked out lokking sexy. I stepped out the car and as I looked at her I licked my lips as she started blushing.

"See something you like?" She said while still blushing

"Maybe and if I do?"

"Maybe just MAYBE If you leave them hoes alone you could have me" she snapped back at me before she got in the front seat.

*At school*

We pulled up to the entrance of Samuel L. High School as me and cam hopped out the car people was looking at us like we was jay-z and Beyonce. So me and Cam gave them the attention they wanted so I grabbed Cam's hand and we interwinded fingers. As we started to enter the building. All the thots was mugging but I brushed it off as we made our way to the office to get our rosters somebody bumped me.

Me:"Damn wtf watch where you going"

???:"My bad ma"

Me:"Its okay what's ya name"

Monte:"My name is Monte hby?"

Me:"My name is Carmen"

Monte:"That's a sexy name for a sexy girl, can I have your number?"


We exchanged phones and then I turned around to see a angry Cam.

Cam:"What was that about"

Me: "Just made a new friend why?"

Cam:"Oh tru so you ready to go to class or do you want to wait for you new friend"

Me:"Excuse me, why do you have a attitude again? You not my boy and I'm not ya girl so why the attitude now you know how I feel when you talk to ya hoes!"

Cam:"Listen I'm sor-

Me:"Save it I'm going to class"

Cameron POV

I can't believe I blew up on cc like that I don't know why I think I love her and I know she feels the same way. When I finally made it to class I spotted Cc in the back with that boy from this morning and he was touching all on her and she was blushing and vibing with boul. I sat in the front of them and some thristy bitch started talking to me

???: Hey daddy what's ya name?

Me: My name Cameron but you can call me Cam

???: Well my name is Tyti

Me: Well how about you come with me to my place after school

Tyti: I would love too

Carmen POV

I saw what Cam was doing so I decided two can play that game so I told Monte he could come to my house so we could get to know each other better

*end of day*

It was finally the end of the day I decided to catch a ride with Monte and we had a ball we was vibing something heavy. We finally pulled up to my house when we made it in we went to my room and was cuddled up I'm really feeling him.

Me: so what you wanna do next

Monte: there's alot I wanna do

Me: and what's that

Once I said that I felt his lips touch mines and his hands running down my curves as our toungues played around I could feel myself getting wet. "Stop" I yelled "No bitch you gonna give me some pussy I ain't come here for nothing" he yelled as he Palmed my face "Ouch STOP PLEASE" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. After he was forcing himself in and out of me things started to black out


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