🎬Chapter 1🎬

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The morning had just left: the afternoon was slowly making its way to work.

There was an old grotesque gas station south of Decity, one in which the sign fell off and started to rust, the windows seemed barred and closed. In the washroom where the pipes dripped, the stale stench of urine burned noses and the walls were stained a rusty brown, two young men conversed.

Splash~ Splash~, the water slapped him in the face to keep him from drifting off into fantasy land.

"I can't do this." His hands gripped the rim of the sink; he gazed into the brown eyes of the man in the mirror. With a slap on his shoulder, Greg turns to his friend.

"Would you stop talking to your reflection, G? It's kinda creepin' me out over here." He chuckled, chugging down a beer.

"Well, you're not quite the best man, are you?" Greg shrugged before grabbing a tissue.

"Hey now. Kind words, please. You know, you'll be the first groom to arrive after the bride... Pretty romantic."

In a flash, he draped his black coat over his shoulder and sprinted through the door, Harry wasted no time emptying his bottle and heading behind Greg.

"I still can't believe you didn't buy gas the day before, G or were you hoping the car would breakdown half way?"

"Shut up, Harry." He rolled his eyes, pulling out the pump before jumping in the driver's seat.

The sketchy gas station was long behind them; they drove for miles until they were on busy streets, waiting to cross a busy bridge.

"You've got to be kidding me!" yelled Greg, pounding his horns a few dozen times at the long line of vehicles in front of him.

"It's no use now. We might as well wait." Harry flipped his lighter up, looking at the dancing blue and yellow flame then pushed it back into his pocket before turning to Greg with a frown. "Why are you doing this anyway?"

"What the hell does that mean? I have to get there before one." He answered, swaying his head around to see to the front.

"I mean marrying Lacie, G."

"It's uh...complicated...."

Greg's words drew out until they were no more; the cluster of gasping people up ahead caught his attention and his gaze. He got out of the car instantly and made his way up to the middle of the bridge.

"Hey, G. Greg!"

Harry jumped when the door was slammed, he tried calling for the man but he disappeared between the crowd. After exiting the vehicle, he ran to the front and tried to bore through the bed of humans packed like sardines or hopefully find Greg but was unsuccessful. His eyes caught hold of a ledge on the bridge and so did his hands; he climbed it, holding on to a beam to stop himself from falling off the grave landmark. When he reached to the top he was shocked to see... "Holy~"... A truck's door: sprawled open with a dead man head down on the steering wheel, a long velvet thread of blood draining from its steps, splattered on the driver's side window.

Greg watched in silence, his ears peeked to hear what was going on. He'd never seen anything like this before.

"She jumped off the bridge." One exclaimed.

"She went bonkers, like crazy insane and, and bit into him... l-like an animal!" Another added.

Greg had never seen anything like this in his few years of being on the force. It seemed to be an unrealistic and taboo thing to do. He flipped his phone up and quickly dialed his department but was distracted by Harry who was by the ledge of the bridge. Greg slapped his phone down and yelled for his friend.

"Harry!" With that Harry turned around and backed up, somehow, a man was behind him waiting to charge. If Greg hadn't alerted him, he knew it would be both Harry and the far-from-sane stranger plunging to their deaths. Harry grasped the man's hand, swinging him over the bridge. The whole crowd gasped. When Harry caught his breath, he looked down: the man's head was burst up like a coconut on the hard concrete floor.

"Harry! Get back to the car!"

Greg looked around at the people being hunted by strangers, friends and even their families. He stomped through the crowd, pushing people aside , urging them to go back as he carved a way towards the red vehicle.

Harry ran along the metal bars as fast as he could, he didn't understand what was going on and it freaked him out.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Harry fell off the bridge, the only thing keeping him from dying was the slippery metal bar he was holding on to.

Greg, now glancing over to him, noticed he was nowhere to be seen. He spotted his fingers on one of the bars and attempted to rush over but was stopped in the process by one of the humanoids.

They crashed into him, throwing him to the floor. He punched the guy and cursed to himself when he looked into the man's eyes and saw the inverted colours they held.

"Greg!" Harry yelled out, his hand was almost loose.

Greg caught himself, fighting the man away when he bit into Greg's hand as he was blocking his mouth. He kicked the man off but he got up, wiped off Greg's blood from his lips and grinned as he ran up towards him. He seemed to only want to plunge his teeth into Greg's skin. He looked around for something to fight him off with when he noticed a metal bottle in a car next to him. He grabbed it. When the man came, he hammered into his cranium but he still moved so Greg slammed it again until he stood still.

He dropped the bottle and climbed onto the car, jumping on them to reach helpless Harry. Harry looked down at the hard concrete then over to the dead man at the bottom. He grunted as he tried to pull himself up but he failed when his hands grew weary from the vigorous vibrations that came with the earthquake. He closed his eyes but luckily, Greg caught his arm. He looked up and chuckled nervously. "Thanks."

"No time for generosity, Harry. We have to get out of here, it's a blood bath."

Both men arrived to the car safely, Greg checked behind them. He nodded. "Harry, the car's blocked."

"Let's just take another one." Harry held the back of his head as he looked to the front at the screaming people.

"I can't do that."

"You got a better idea? Oh yeah, let's just be food then." Harry said sarcastically before, turning around to slow breathing on the back of his neck.

Greg, who didn't see the woman, reached into his glove compartment before saying. "It's just not right."

Harry gazed at the white eyed predator that stood infront of him, his heart pounded as he tried to lean back away from her mouth. He twisted his lips as he said. "I-I think, it's the right time for the wrong thing." Harry quickly ducked his head and with a Toof! The woman fell to the floor with a new profound hole in her head.

Harry took off his jacket and wiped his face as he scolded him. "You could've killed me."

"Yeah, well... I didn't~" Greg shrugged,sticking his gun into his back pocket~ "Check the cars to the back, find one with a key."

"Found one." Harry started the black car and reversed out off of the bridge. Greg came just in time~ "Let's get out of here." He said as he stared back at the fighting people.

"Please don't tell me we're still going to the wedding after what just happened." Harry gritted his teeth; he wiped off his forehead and turned the car.

"No." Greg checked his ammo before sighing~ "We're going to the station."

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